Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Four Critical Questions of MLM

Guerilla Tactics. Viral Marketing. Covert Recruiting. Top Secret Strategies.

Businesses will often use these exciting words to hype up a product and distract from the boring (albeit important) business details. You get caught up in the excitement of a renegade way to make cash, and focus less on the important aspects, like: How is the money made? How much is made? How reliable is it? What do I have to do to become involved? These are the Four Critical Questions that must be asked when becoming involved with any network marketing company.

This is ralf dooley from caerphilly, wales, and I know how important it is to understand the answers to those questions. Having been in this industry for 2 of years, I understand that there is a lot of hype out there, with not enough substance.

The Four Critical Questions of MLM. These are the real questions that need to be answered in MLM. As exciting as the MLM Guerilla Virus is, unless you can see through the fancy action words, you are no closer to putting groceries on the table.

That is why it is so important to find a system out there that will give it to you straight. A business opportunity that will level with you, and give you real answers to the Four Critical Questions of MLM.

A close look at these questions will help you know if a system is good for you.

1) How is the money made? Before you even know how much you can make, it is important to know where the money comes from. Product sales? Recruiting bonuses? Commissions? Fewer large payouts? Many smaller deposits? This is the most important thing to find out.

2) How much can be made? Like Question #1, this is extremely important, and it can be difficult to determine. Sales pitches will always give you the most optimistic results imaginable, so its up to you to sift through the sales shout and consider what is being promised and how they are promising it. Hopefully then you'll have a better idea what you can make.

3) How reliable is it? Anyone can promise you a million dollars overnight. It may even be technically possible, if all the universe aligns at the exact moment you click to sign up, but its not likely. That's why you must ask this question. This can be a little easier to answer, if you pay attention. Just listen and ask yourself if its realistic. But remember that no matter what, they will tell you that it is.

4) What do I have to do to become involved? This can sometimes be a tricky one too. Expect to be strung along, clicking here and there to access this and that, without much of a solid answer. More of this trickery is a bad thing. The sooner you can find out, the more sure you can be that they aren't asking for a firstborn.

As soon as you know the answer to these four questions, you will be able to give it some thought and come up with the answer to the most important question of them all.

Is it right for me?

This is the same question I asked before I joined The SpiderWeb Marketing System. After going through these questions, I realized that SpiderWeb was the answer for me. I looked at all the details, and studied it out, and eventually signed up because Kimball Roundy is oh so wonderful, I wanted to develop my downlines, It brings the most success with the least amount of work.

And you know what? The Four Critical Questions Test works. It has been great so far, and I know that I will continue to be successful because I am excited to gain solid leads, I researched thoroughly and know this is the best system, Kimball and his corporate staff have been very helpful, It has been wonderful so far, It is a brilliant business model that makes perfect sense.

Put it to the test. Join The SpiderWeb Marketing System.

In my next blog post, I will explain how the System answers those Critical Questions.

But if you can't wait till then, go ahead and visit now.


SpiderWeb Marketing Brings in Cash - With No Opt-In Fee!

Hey there. This is ralf dooley from caerphilly, wales, and I wanted to point out an important reason that makes The SpiderWeb System so good.

Unfortunately, most people that attempt a multi-level marketing program often end up losing money. Why does this happen? For the same reason that I did. My Sponsor recruited me and then left me hanging, My Sponsor is new too and couldn't train me, I didn't know enough about the business to train anyone.

Many, if not most multi-level marketing programs require that the user pay an initial fee. This fee is also known as an opt-in fee. People that have little or no knowledge about how MLMs work often pay this fee, and then after a little frustration quickly give up. After all, the person that recruited them has already made some money off of them.

Fortunately, the SpiderWeb Marketing System does not require an initial opt-in fee. It was developed specifically for this reason.

Since there is no opt-in fee, your upline makes money only when you are successful and making money as well. That means that they will have a genuine interest in you and your success. This eliminates the threat of having a sponsor that just takes your money and bails out on you quickly thereafter, which can happen alarmingly frequently.

I joined the SpiderWeb Marketing System because I was rxcited to find a system that actually actually does the work for me, I wanted to escape my uplines, I wanted to gain access to the 22+ step-by-step tutorial videos, I wanted to develop my downlines, I was excited to be able to generate 12+ streams of passive residual income. It has been great for me so far, and again, has not cost me anything to join.

Being able to give multi-level marketing a shot without having to buy anything, pay an opt-in fee, or put yourself at any risk has is an amazing opportunity and experience which I am excited to share with you. The SpiderWeb Marketing System will "help you DO" what those marketing e-books only tell you to do. With no risk involved, you literally have nothing to lose!

Thanks for reading. For more information on how The SpiderWeb Marketing System can help you increase your wealth, with no opt-in fee, visit

SpiderWeb Videos Give You Much, Much, More

Videos use in Multi-level marketing has skyrocketed in 2008. MLM websites have shifted their focus from the "FREE! FREE! FREE!*" (glaringly suspicious asterisk) pitches to friendly expertise video models. The typical bombastic text usually encountered when you click on a new MLM website has been bound up and sealed away in some ebook yet to be purchased. Instead, an automated flash player video greets me promising a better way to boost my business. Nearly a dozen sites now market free videos that introduce human testimonials and products that, in a uncanny way, remind me of youtube home entertainment.

I'm ralf dooley from caerphilly, wales and I've looked around at several of these free video systems hot in the industry. 2 ago ,I started my own home business because I desperately needed to do something other than my previous job, I had a desire to be my own boss, I was excited by the comfort of working from home, I loved the product. The video system has recently seemed more user friendly and entertaining than reading website text. However, I have quickly found out that free videos differ in two ways.

The video model always promises to be a free teaching tool, but rarely does it hold up. Among Mike Dillard, the Spiderweb System, and other video producing marketers, only the Spiderweb System actually functions as a free system that caters to the user specifically. Dillard's model adds up to being a seven day, seven video commercial that attempts(poorly) to downplay its ultimate goal of selling me an ebook. How disappointing. My time wasted watching all seven videos was time wasted watching an infomercial.(Could have done that at two in the morning instead.) When I finished one video I had to excruciatingly wait until the next day when I was given "access" to view the next, which happened to be (unsurprisingly and disconcertingly) precariously similar to the video I had watched the day before. Fishy business in my opinion. Although the medium has changed from tag lines: "FREE FREE FREE**" to "introduction videos," Dillard's aim (like the rest of the MLMs) functions ultimately to sell a silly ebook that gets me no where in the marketing world.

With such an experience, you can imagine my skepticism when I tried the new SpiderWeb System videos. I wanted to know if this new medium of MLM could hold it promise and implement well into my business. Hosted by the founder of The SpiderWeb System himself, Kimball Roundy, the videos are straightforward and aren't trying to sell me any ebook full of "secrets" at the end. Instead of talking to me about his product, Kimball had set everything in place for me to begin making passive income during the first five minutes of the first video and willing taught me how to boost my business right then and there (which sold me on his way of doing MLM). I didn't have to go back and re read anything. Instead I was setting up my new business strategies right then, during the video time. (Talk about a time saver.) The comprehensive and user friendly videos are available in full at any time to me without charge and each walks me through a step-by-step process that got me somewhere immediately. There is no "revolutionary" ebook to buy when the curtains closed, only internet suave and down line girth.

In boosting my home business I tried I tried a different Company, then another, then another, I spent THOUSANDS of dollars on training courses and "Proven Turnkey Systems", I spent THOUSANDS of dollars on leads but never came across an actual video that could help with any of my efforts. Until the Spider Web System. These videos worked in a completely different way than Dillard's or any other MLM company has. They actually deliver the product and set in place the way for me to get somewhere in my business, at my convenience (as opposed to the seven day wait). The video model hot in the MLM industry is being used in two ways it seems: on one hand, it functions like a longer, more enticing commercial for an ebook. But on the other hand, and alone in the market, the SpiderWeb System uses videos as their medium for actually teaching and setting up my own business better, free of charge.

This new way of using videos by The SpiderWeb system has allowed me to start gaining multiple streams of income efficiently and effectively. I am excited to start work toward that big dream of Work less hours, Become a Millionaire, Buy my Dream Car, Enjoy my time and my life my way.

To check out the only system in the MLM industry that uses free video tutorials in a real, efficient, and non-commercial way visit only five minutes, and you'll experience the difference.

The SpiderWeb System Rakes in the Cash in Zrii

This is ralf dooley, writing to you from sumptuously gorgeous caerphilly, wales and I want to talk to you about the advantage that The SpiderWeb Marketing System can give you in a company like Zrii. I personally don't know a lot about Zrii. I've heard that it is a beverage that is supposed to be very good for you. But I do know that you can make a substantial income through its business op plan.

Now, I'm writing this about Zrii, but it applies to just about any product that requires sales to anyone. Which, is just about everything.

You may be looking into Zrii, or any other product, trying to figure out if it is the right business program to get you that expensive, shiny thing you've been dreaming of, or at least help pay the bills. You may have gotten into it a while ago, hit a flurry of enthusiastic buyers who quickly died out, and are now looking for ways to jump start your business. When I first joined network marketing, I became involved because I desperately needed to do something other than my previous job, I had a desire to be my own boss, I loved the product.

The thing about Zrii right now, is that you are not only competing with others who are selling it in the same program as you, not to mention the natural market limitations of a product like Zrii, but you are also competing with thousands of well-established distributors of products like Xango and Tahitian Noni, whose products have been doing well on the market for years.
Even if there were a chance that Zrii could cure Hodgkin's Lymphoma, you'e still going to have a hard time selling to the lady who just spent $400 on Noni and told the Xango guy to take a hike.

It's a problem that most people in this industry run into. You need people to work with, and because so many other businesses have been scooping up the people you're looking for, they can be hard to find. In my experience with MLM, I initially struggled because I didn't have enough leads, I couldn't keep my recruits excited, I didn't know enough about the business to train anyone, I didn't know how to "sell". You may have as well.

The SpiderWeb Marketing System can help you break through the limitations of network marketing. Basically, the SpiderWeb System is a lead generator. You need people to sell to, and the SpiderWeb System will help you find them. It is a networking system that will help you create relationships with other people who are looking for similar business opportunities. Best of all, you make money while you do it.

The SpiderWeb Marketing System is a system designed to integrate over twelve different sources of income. Through a fully-automated, free system that requires little effort, you can become the recipient of a steady income, while creating mutually advantageous business relationships that will be beneficial to your venture in Zrii.

The SpiderWeb Marketing System is a free way to develop your Zrii business, while making a substantial additional income. Having been in this business for 2 years, I know how important it is to have successful marketing. Luckily, for me and for you, The SpiderWeb Marketing System is a great way to break through those struggles and increase your income, no matter what you are selling.

Thanks for reading.

For more information on how The SpiderWeb Marketing System can help you, visit

The Shot Heard Around the World: Google's Endorsement of "Get Google Ads Free!"

My name is Roger Preston, and I am a journalist for various
publications in upstate New York, as well as the New England area.

I recently had a chance to interview the fine team of professionals
at whose flagship product is entitled "Get
Google Ads Free."

In April of 2007 "Get Google Ads Free" was launched, and the effect
was nothing less than equal to "the shot heard around the world!"

Within just weeks people everywhere were talking about it, and
other top-notch online marketers were scurrying to sell it as an
Affiliate for the company.

But here's a little insight that 99.9% of everyone the world over
doesn't know:

The Product's greatest endorser is none other than Google itself!

That's right. As shocking as it may seem, Google has NO problem
with the course that reveals how anyone can get ads on their search
engine for Free!

Now, at this point I know you must be curious as to how such a
thing is possible, as Google makes its money from the sale of both
AdWords (PPCs) and AdSense (where webmasters allow Google to show
their ads on their pages).

One might think that any information that revealed how an
advertiser could get their AdWords pay-per-clicks free would be
damaging to Google, and therefore Google would not want anyone
finding out about it, right?

WRONG! It seems that the secret system developed by the retired
native New York doctor contains an interesting "twist" that while
allowing advertisers to eliminate their AdWords costs, it does not
reduce a single dollar in AdWords revenue for Google.

In fact, just the opposite!

I cannot give away the secret here because that's why it's for sale
in the first place.

But I can tell you that with the application of what's inside "Get
Google Ads Free" that:

- Google loses NO money
- Google actually can make even more M0NEY!
- Advertisers gain an instant almost unfair advantage over anyone
not knowing what's inside "Get Google Ads Free!"
- Advertisers can now afford to outbid their competition!
- Advertisers are not at risk any longer as their advertising
budgets no longer matter!

Wow! And this is just the beginning!

Now, where's the definitive PROOF that Google endorses the amazing
system shown in "Get Google Ads Free?"

I asked this question to company spokesperson and Vice President of
Sales & Marketing, Mr Todd Coutrin, to which he responded:


"We started our launch like we always do with any product online,
using Google AdWords to offer our Product.

"We used keywords that contained the word 'free' so we
anticipated the usual HOLD these keywords usually cause any
campaign using them to experience.

"But when our campaign was paused by Google for a tad more time
than what we regularly anticipated, then we got concerned.

"I actually placed a call directly to Google at 1-866-2-GOOGLE
and spoke at length with a customer services rep who said she'd
check into what was happening.

"She returned my call 16 hours later and informed me that due to
the specific nature of the Product in question (i.e., the ebook
"Get Google Ads Free!") their team at Google secured the
product, read it all the way trough, and then realizing it would
NOT hurt their revenue but actually increase it, they
immediately un-paused and resumed our ads"


Amazing! They actually got what amounts to a Signed Certificate of
APPROVAL from Google itself!

Therefore, anyone who questions the truth or legality concerning
"Get Google Ads Free!" need not fret at all.

Yet, the usual "naysayers" seemed to ignore the obvious fact that
if Google had a problem with "Get Google Ads Free!" then we all
wouldn't be seeing all the PPC ads at Google each time we type in
the keywords and phrases:

- free ads
- free advertising
- "Get Google Ads Free"
- free ppc
- free adwords

And so forth!

Yet, there are many very stubborn, even foolish, among us ...

> The "Crybaby Syndrome <

To be fair, I must also inform you of those who seem to be out to
get the company for sharing their amazing secret with the world.

In what seems nothing more than a ploy to get attention, a UK
online firm operated by two "wanna-be" law students have a Blog that
talks the usual trash about the Product.

The Blog's owner, Rob Scott, talks a big game by claiming the
secret system to be nothing short of a scam! He even recklessly
throws around the potentially libelous phrase ".con (Ooops, I
meant .com)" as an attempt at childish humor in order to bash the
firm's name.

What's shocking is that this individual is actually a student of
law (at least that's what he claims) so one would think that he
should perhaps check out the facts before proceeding with such
careless remarks.

After all, he admits severally that he "never even ordered the
ebook" so how could he truly know one way or the other if it was a
valid system - not to mention it is assumed he's at least
reasonably intelligent since (according to him) he got into law
school, that he would be able to see for himself the firm's
Affiliates' ads all over Google, and therefore reason that Google
itself is perhaps the firm's chief supporter.

But stubbornness abounds, I suppose.

Ironically Rob says that the only reason he attacks the firm is
because "it's a no brainer that this must be a scam," and he got
"tired of seeing all those little AdSense ads on his page that
people kept clicking on" (which by the way only stood to make him
lots of M0NEY!) -- yet he accepts donations on his site as a poor,
struggling law student in need of paying for his education, and
rather than legitimately earn an income from AdSense with an

Sadly, Rob actually censors most of his Blog so that others who wish
to post POSITIVES concerning "Get Google Ads Free!" can't even do
so. (But what would you expect from a "wanna-be" lawyer?)

He even posts what appears to be an actual response by the firm's
lawyer, but which is perhaps nothing more than his own posts
disguised and designed to make himself look better (as anyone can
see that the dialogue appears "manufactured" instead of genuine).

What some people will do to project themselves as "Savior to the
rest of us" and "The People's Advocate." How ridiculous indeed.

Despite the "crybaby" from across the pond, Rob Snot (Ooops! I must
have meant Rob Scott!) has failed miserably to put even a dent in
the firm's sales!

Plus, traffic is on the rise shooting up from an average of 14,000
visitors daily to now well above 20,000 visitors daily (an increase
of 42% in daily traffic alone! -- Keep up the good work, Rob!!)

Anyway, don't be dissuaded in your decision to build your online
business by eliminating your Google AdWords costs, as the course
"Get Google Ads Free!" not only reveals precisely how you can do
this, but it goes 10 steps further by giving you all kinds of other
amazing strategies I can't even begin to allude to here.

Plus, the e-Course comes with countless resources that go far beyond
the usual variety of instantly-clickable extra values!

Lastly never forget that even though quite elderly now, Dr Jon
Cohen has even set new records finishing ahead of himself by now

- Grossed over $400 Million in revenues!!
- and SAVED over $100 Million in Google advertising costs!!
- attained a personal wealth above $80 million

...all due to his own system!

*NOTE: Rob Scott is broke and demands donations! (Ha!)

Talk about putting your money where your mouth is!!

So if you'd like to get in on all the action, then go grab this
amazing "BREAKTHROUGH" for yourself only at:

Get Google Ads for FRREEE!!

As one very famous Internet Marketer said it best:

"This is a weapon that should be in every Internet and Affiliate
Marketer's arsenal and library!"

Get it directly from the good doctor himself!