True to form, any individual involved in multi level marketing (MLM) will eventually have to take their business online. Some will start out on the Internet and then spread out from there into the real world, yet others will begin with a trusted friend who gets them involved in a business and once they feel that they have exhausted the circle of friends and family around them, they will look to the online marketplace and the plethora of opportunities it offers. By and large this process will begin with the creation of a website, having it submitted to websites, and then hoping for the visitors to flock to the site.
Of course, anyone who has ever noticed the myriad of business websites come and go or eventually simply lay dormant can attest to the fact that simply building a site and submitting it to search engines does not automatically translate into busy traffic. As a matter of fact, spreading the word about your online MLM business is of the utmost importance! Yet did you know that there is a right and a wrong way about getting out the word? Embark on the wrong way, and your business’ credibility will be seriously compromised, choose the right way, however, and you will ensure quality traffic to visit your site.
In days past the notion of email blitzes was considered a great way of getting out the word on anything. Even in your personal life you will encounter the individual who is quick to hit forward and then send out an email with a pithy saying or cute picture to everyone in their address book. Sometimes these emails can be a bother, especially if the graphics are slow loading, contain numerous forwarded message notations, or may contain a fact that is inaccurate. When this same individual becomes involved in MLM, the temptation is great to send out information to everyone about the new website as well, but in so doing the person will be working from a disadvantage in that she or he has already lost credibility with you and others by virtue of the emails that were sent out previously. If this example describes you, be wise and do not disseminate information about your business in this manner. Instead, opt to include a text link to your website in your email signature. This will have a greater impact than sending out a blitz outright.
Speaking of email advertising, spreading the word about your online MLM business with the help of email marketing come back to bite you in more ways than one. Do not buy lists of indiscriminately obtained email addresses but instead pay considerably more and purchase qualified leads instead. This will prevent you from getting the reputation of being a spammer. Similarly, if you choose article marketing or blog marketing, be very careful that you do not spam article sites, forums, and blogs since this is not only a quick way to get you banned from these venues, but it will also result in your business’ name and also product getting a bad rep online – an occurrence you will want to avoid at all costs.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
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