Monday, June 30, 2008

The Best Home Based Business For You

The word "best" is always dependent on the context of a situation and the observer. What you consider the best may not be the best for another person. When you want to get a job or start a business, you do aim for what's the best in your eyes. Determining this, however, can be quite hard. How do you choose the best home based business for you?

1) Interests - The Best Home Based Business for you should be a business that captures your interests. This will help you become more efficient and more productive in your business. Your interest in the business will determine your eagerness to actually take control of that business. Your interests will drive you to keep improving your business. Your interests will determine how passionate will you be regarding the success of a business.

When you are truly interested in a business, it will not merely become a job; it will become part of your life. This will help you prosper.

2) Trade off - Of course the best home based business should give you the trade off that you are looking for. It should provide you with reason to keep investing in that business. You would not willingly take on additional risk unless you faced the prospect of additional profits. The possibilities that a business should offer you should serve as an incentive for you to keep that business alive. The trade off is very important because, in a sense, it shows what you aim to get from that business. It shows how motivated you will become to achieve your business goal.

3) Opinion of others - The people around you also influences your thoughts and opinions. Because of this, it would be wise to consult them when starting what you think is the best home based business for you. When you are excited about something, you often fail to see flaws in your plan.

In a sense, your excitement blinds you to the harsh reality that you have to face. Consulting the opinion of other people can help you get a better look at your plan. Consulting others can give you an unbiased opinion on whether or not your plan for a home based business is feasible.

4) Risks - What are the risks that you undertake when going into the business? The amount of the risk involved tells you whether or not that is the best home based business for you. It is only natural to consider the risks because you have already considered the potential benefits. There are people who, despite the potential profit involved, back out of a home based business because the risk is too great. It is always important to maintain a balanced view when you are making a decision that could make or break you financially.

5) Current situation - Compared to your current situation, would you consider something to be the best home based business to undertake? You should try to compare your current situation with a realistic view of what your life would be with the business. In doing this, you would be able to see if you are going to have any regrets in undertaking that business.

Choosing the best home based business for you can seem complicated at first, but as long as you know the factors to consider, you'll be okay.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Spiderwebmarketing and The Secet Affiliate Code Review

The Secret Affiliate Code Reveals…

The Secret Affiliate Code is set to blow the lid off of affiliate marketing as you know it; on June 17th 1:00 PM Est. Fellow marketers, have you ever wondered how some affiliates get all of the free traffic?Have you ever wondered how to exploit web 2.0 to the fullest? Well, wonder no more, because Craig Beckta is set to reveal the secret Affiliate Code. I know, I know who is Craig Beckta? You have never heard of him right?

It turns out Craig is just an average guy who managed to secretly join the ranks of the super affiliates and earn the respect of the gurus at the same time. All with free traffic methods and without a mailing list… It sounds impossible I know, but some how he managed to make 6K in one week using only free traffic methods. I don’t know about you…but I am sick of losing money on PPC traffic.

If you are fed up with losing half of your profits to Google then this is something you don’t want to miss out on. Here is your chance to finally grab some prime Google real estate and outsell the gurus. In the Secret Affiliate Code, Craig exposes the inner workings of a $6,484 landing page. As you probably already know, having the right landing page can make or break your affiliate campaigns. It could make all the difference in the world. Do it right and rake in the cash.
Screw it up and you make zip, zero, zilch…

The Secret Affiliate Code also gives you a detailed step-by-step marketing battle plan that allows you to throw your current marketing plans out the window. Craig discloses the four closed door methods to down and dirty affiliate sales.

Finally, the Secret Affiliate Code is an affiliate marketing system that allows you to make money right out of the box. Acting as a covert affiliate you will be able to convert red hot, ready to buy traffic, into paying customers. Craig also shows you the very best methods to turn your Blogs and Squidoo lenses into cash sucking machines that spit out “hundred dollar bills,” like a broken slot machine.

Not only that, but on top of being one of the best marketing systems out there Craig Beckta was also able to pry a few secrets out of some of the top internet marketing gurus.The Secret Affiliate Code includes over 2 hours of bonus audio interviews with Willie Crawford, Eric
Rockefeller, Alex Goad and Charles Kirkland. If that was not already enough there is also over an hour of step-by-step “video footage” of Craig showing exactly how he does, what he does.
Now I know you are probably thinking this is going to cost a bundle and there is probably some crazy upsell right?

No way, Craig hates upsells as much as you and I. Which means you get the whole package for one price. How much is it? I mean, a package like this is easily worth $200 or $300 right?
Not even close…

I wish I could tell you the price but I am sworn to secrecy until launch day. I promised Craig I wouldn’t reveal the price of the Secret Affiliate Code to anyone. I can tell you this much though…The price issurprisingly affordable.

Oh, I almost forgot one thing. There is a “Secret Code hidden on the sales page that knocks $20 bucks off the already ridiculously low price.
So how do you crack the code? I promised I wouldn’t tell anyone that either, sorry…

Friday, June 27, 2008

Affiliate Marketing - Use An Autoresponder To Increase Sales

As an affiliate marketer you need to set yourself apart from all
the other affiliates who may be vying for the same prospects.

This is particularly true in some of the most hotly contested
markets such as internet marketing, poker sites, dating and the

So how does an Affiliate set themselves apart, or better yet,
above the competition so as to create more sales?

They do it by using an Autoresponder to collect the names and
email addresses of their prospects.

Simply sending people to your Affiliate page is not enough to
create sales. Depending on your market there may be several
hundred, if not thousands, of other affiliates using the same

What makes you believe that someone seeing the same page for the
hundredth time is going to make them want that product any more
than the tenth time?

The key is to offer a special report that focuses on how the
particular product can solve a problem or fill a need that the
prospect may have.

A simple title like "The 5 Proven to succeed as an Affiliate" on a special report that leads to an opt-in
page to an autoresponder will greatly increase your prospect

Then take each of those five different aspects that you touched
on in the report and break them down even further using each one
as a separate follow up email to those that downloaded the
special report.

Have each email going out every other day for the first two weeks
and you have an automatic sales person working for you hands

By staying in constant contact with your prospects you build a
sense of familiarity and trust with your list members. People
like to buy from someone they know rather than a complete

These autoresponders can be set up for any niche imaginable.

An easy way to find material for your special report and
autoresponder series is right on the sales page for the product
you are promoting. Read through it and find the best sales points
then combine them into a short report.

Another great way to find info is to just do a search through
your favorite search engine, gather some facts from several
different sites and rewrite them into your report.

Always remember though not to just copy someone else's work. That
is plagiarism and is illegal. But with a little so called leg
work you can quickly compile enough info to keep your prospects
coming back, build rapport and eventually grab the sale!

The Friendly Guru Program where you work from home and make money with your home based business

Running a Work at Home Business

For anyone who wants to earn more money than they'd ever get with
a day job, then the only real answer (besides winning the
lottery) is to start their own Business. Of course, starting a
business can be very costly, something that puts starting a
traditional business out of the reach of many people.

However, there is an alternative, and that's starting a business
from home
. There are several different alternatives a person can
choose from, from coming up with a completely new idea and
concept and creating their own products, to joining an existing
MLM type business, to starting an online business.

Lately, a huge number of people have been lured by the idea of
making their millions on the Internet, but the sad fact is, few
of them ever make a decent living, let alone a fortune, online.
Why is that? Many Online opportunities are promoted as being very
simple, and easy enough for everyone to do. If that were truly
the case, there would be a lot more online success stories today
than there are!

One problem people have is too much choice. There are so many
different opportunities and ideas, that they try and run with the
lot, and end up falling quite heavily, simply because without
focus a business is doomed to failure. Another problem is that
many people really don't have any idea about running a business,
and don't think about their home business as they would a real,
traditional business.

If you really do want to start a Work at home business, and
aren't afraid to put in a lot of time and effort (especially in
the beginning) there are a few important things you need to know
to set you on the right path.

Firstly, watch your expenditure. An online business can be one of
the least expensive businesses to run. Most people already have
the basics they need to get started (a computer with an Internet
connection). However, the problem comes when they actually start
looking at online businesses and means of making money. Suddenly
they're confronted with a million and one different products ALL
of which are supposed to guarantee success.

Many people spend hundreds, or even thousands of dollars, very
quickly when they're starting out in the world of Internet
, and soon find that most of it was money down the
toilet. To avoid this, you need to work out what it is you're
going to be doing online and create a plan. There are numerous
ways of making money on the Internet, including: eBay and other
auction sites, affiliate marketing, Adsense (and other contextual
advertising), as well as marketing your own product. Once you
know what it is you want to do, then find one very good resource,
and stick to it, The hint here is to do a bit of research first,
and get honest reviews of any product before you purchase, rather
than letting a sales letter induce you to purchase another
worthless product.

The next thing you need to focus on is how you're going to build
your business. Most Online businesses start with a website (and
although there are plenty of sites that promise you don't need a
website of your own, anyone who wants to make a long term living
online will need a website). You then need a step-by-step plan
you can follow, and you need to be able to follow it! One of the
best things about working from home is also one of the most
problematic, and that's the fact that you can work your own
hours. Unfortunately, if you're not able to discipline yourself
you may find that the hours actually spent in front of your
computer aren't enough. It helps if you can work out a day to day
plan of exactly what you want to accomplish each day, so that you
know you're on the right track.

Finally, it's worth remembering that a work at home business,
even an online one, will require a certain amount of dedication
and effort before you'll be rewarded with results. It's not a
matter of whipping up a quick website and waiting for the money
to start flowing in, and if anyone tells you it is, odds are,
they're lying! Be prepared for months (even years) of hard,
consistent work, and you'll reap the rewards, but fall for too
many get-rich-quick schemes and promises and you'll be back to
your day job before you know it.

The Friendly Guru work at home affiliate program business that makes money

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Is it really possible to make money on the Internet for free?


This is ralf dooley with an important thought for you to ponder.

Is it really impossible to make money for free? Most would tell
you so. But the old adage, “It takes money to make money” was
stated long before the development of the Internet. Its true if
you’re in real estate, but there are now infinite options available
through the Internet.

This is nothing new of course. There’s no limit to the number of
people with systems who will charge you anywhere from $70 to
$3000 for their “industry expert secrets”.

You’ve all been there before.

Some flashy page filled with promises, followed with a spot for
your Visa Car Number, and you receive all of their
“highly-confidential secrets” in the form of some long,
complicated book, eBook, training course, or video series.

So you’ve spent your money, and so far, you’ve definitely not
gotten anything in return, other than continued promises that
all of these things you just payed for will somehow materialize into
that beautiful vacation home you’ve been dreaming of.
Trust me, I’ve been there. Before getting into The SpiderWeb Marketing System, I looked into Power Prospecting System, and
its all the same pitch.

So now, you’ve got your eBook, video series, which you’ve paid
tons for, and if you want any shot at making anything, you’re
going to have to spend hours on your own trying to figure it all out.
That’s not so horrible, to have to put in a little time and effort,
but keep in mind, you’ve already payed a significant amount to get
to where you are.

Then, maybe if you work really, really hard, and get really,
really lucky, you’ll make some money.
Congratulations. Now you just have to recover your investment.

There is an easier (and cheaper) way. There are programs and
applications out there that are specifically designed to allow
you to make money for just using them. Some of these include
Direct Matches, Google Adwords, Commission Junction, and Global
Domains International

Never heard of those? That’s because most people who know them
will charge you hundreds to show you how to use them. But the SpiderWeb Marketing System was created as a way to put together
all of these free systems, and provide a huge net of members that
all benefit from multiple free systems, thus increasing the amounts
of money that are being generated by these free systems.

There are free ways to make money on the Internet, and while they
may be hidden gems, you certainly shouldn’t have to pay for the treasure map.

Let The SpiderWeb Marketing System be your free guide

Wednesday, June 25, 2008



Its me, ralf dooley, from good old caerphilly,
wales, here to tell you about yet another
wonderful FREE aspect of The SpiderWeb Marketing System.

The SpiderWeb Marketing System is the most
powerful marketing tool in the industry.
Hopefully by now you will have begun to
see that and reap the rewards of it.

In a previous blog, I discussed The SpiderWeb
Marketing System Back Office, a powerful tool
and the best available. Now, I want to talk
about another thing that makes success even
more attainable: The SpiderWeb Marketing Forum,
or SpiderZone.

One reason that so many fail in Network Marketing
is a lack of support. You might have experienced
this before. You sign up into a system and one
of a couple things happen. Your recruiter calls
you and loves you and begs you until you put up
the money, then they just about disappear.

Or, perhaps your recruiter knows no more than
you do, they just got into the program first,
and now you are just as confused as they are.

For me, My Sponsor is new too and couldn’t train me,
I have not had enough training, My recruits kept
quitting, I didn’t know how to “sell”. There are
many other scenarios that you could encounter.
Unfortunately, they have the same outcome. You are
stranded in a new business with not much help in sight.

Enter SpiderZone forum. In the free system, you can
have access to the member forum, where SpiderWeb
Marketing members can post questions and ideas and
discuss them together. If you are unsure about something,
odds are that someone has experienced that before and
would be able to help.

Success in business is all about relationships,
especially when it comes to network marketing.
The members of this program are important and
there are others involved just like you who are
willing to discuss their techniques and strategies
that have worked for them.

For more info, check out my site at

Monday, June 23, 2008

Leads and The Spider Web Marketing Lead Machine

In any business, the money has to come from somewhere.
Whether it’s from sales revenue or service charges or
other transactions, the bitter business truth is that
every dime in your pocket used to be in someone else’s.
It’s not a bad thing. Just because you have money that
used to be in someone else’s possession doesn’t mean
that the former owner is now busting out the food stamps.
Through however many transactions between however many
parties, you received money, and they received either
goods or services. And that’s how an economy works.

On a less Macro scale, in the world of network and
multi-level marketing this principle remains especially
true and obvious. At the very core of your business, you
make money through the sale of goods or services to someone.
You yourself may never sell a thing and be living in a
huge mansion, but odds are you’re benefiting from the
sale of something to someone. This system of making
sales work for you is part of the appeal of MLM.
Downlines. You benefit from the work of others. The more
people you have in your downlines, the more profit you
are making. Downlines make sales. You make money.
End of story. But what’s the name of the game?

Leads. The hottest commodity of MLM. If you’ve got ‘em,
you’ve got it. If not, you’re going to be working really,
really hard to pay for that huge mansion on door-to-door
sales and Tupperware parties. If you can get downlines,
you can get money. In order to have downlines, you need
leads. In short, leads equal money.

And that’s the MLM secret, which you already know, of course.
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that you can’t make a
fortune by yourself in this business. But just because you
know that you need leads doesn’t mean you can find them.
And that’s where so many MLM ventures fail.
It is a commonly reported statistic that well over 90% of
those involved in MLM never make a profit. But you can bet
that a healthy supply of leads will keep in you in the
successful ten percent.

There’s a couple different ways to go about it. You can
do what most MLMers do (and fail): make a list of your
friends and family (sound familiar?), pass out ‘business op’
fliers, spend lots of money and have social functions, beg,
plead, scream, pass out, wake up, continue. Eventually, the
strenuous effort takes its toll on your health and you leave
the industry to do something a little more docile and less
stressful on your health, like substitute teaching in an
alternative high school.

Personally, I I tried a different Company, then another,
then another, I spent THOUSANDS of dollars on leads,
I spent THOUSANDS of dollars on training courses and
“Proven Turnkey Systems”, with limited success.

There is a better way. A way to channel leads to your
business who come looking for it. The Spider Web Marketing
System is a system designed to do one thing: generate leads.
And it does so with the greatest effectiveness and efficiency
in the industry. It’s based on what is called the funded
proposal system, a system that utilizes highly developed
Internet marketing strategies to bring interested, real leads.
The best part of funded proposal, and the great appeal
of The Spider Web Marketing System, is that it perpetuates
itself, so that it keeps itself going and continues to
generate income for you, while continually sending quality
leads your way.

There are other ways to get leads. You can put down some
serious cash for “lead lists” who will give you pages and
pages of innocent people who have been called a hundred
times, and you can work off of that. But with Spider Web Marketing,
these are leads that come to you. They are “fresh leads,
” meaning that they have not been called before or come
from any list. These are people, who using the Internet,
seek out a business opportunity and come straight to you.

The SpiderWeb Marketing System has been great for me because
I researched thoroughly and know this is the best system.
Its helped me get more leads, grow my business, and make
more money, and helped me on my goal to Retire early,
Become a Millionaire, Gain financial freedom, Enjoy my
time and my life my way, Spend my time with my family.

Basically, The Spider Web Marketing System is a lead
generating machine. And in a business where leads are
the name of the game, that’s a piece of equipment you
can’t afford to be without.

For more information visit