Monday, April 28, 2008

The SpiderWeb and A Funded Proposal System!

When I first got started in Network Marketing I had
big visions of growing my team quickly, and covering
my monthly autoship expenses as fast as possible.
Most MLM companies require some of minimum
monthly purchase of a consumable product to keep
you qualified to earn commissions - or to keep your
business "active".

There is nothing wrong with this - other than most
of the time MLM business opportunities do not spit
off large amounts of monthly income, but you are
rather building your business for the long term -
the payoff after 2 to 5 years of work.

What happens to 95% of people that will join your
team is that they will not realize income fast enough
and then get discouraged. Who can blame them?

Every month they see cash leaving their pockets -
to cover the monthly autoship expenses - and
very little to no income coming in.

Does this sound like a good way to run a business?
NO - and this is what most of your new recruits
will be saying as well. This is one of the biggest things
that leads to the huge revolving door this business has created.

So what can you do to turn this situation around?
Find a way to put cold hard cash into your pocket, and
the pockets of your new recruits as quickly as possible!
This is where the funded proposal comes into play for your business.

A funded proposal is basically a way for you to generate
income from your prospects, even if they never join
your primary business. In other words you generate a lead,
more than likely using the internet, and then offer them an
educational product that they can purchase - without joining
your primary business.

This is what puts the cold hard cash into your pocket that
will cover your monthly expenses, pay for additional
advertising or maybe even cover your car payment!

There are several systems available online that you can
simply plug into and start using as a Funded Proposal.
To find out more about Using A Funded Proposal System,
go to My Free SpiderwebMarketingSystem.

Why You Should not Buy MLM Leads!

As often happens I received a call from a guy that wanted
to "talk shop" about the network marketing industry.
As typically happens, he immediately launched into a
high pressure sales pitch to get me to join his network
marketing business. I let him go on for a while, then
I turned the tables on him and led him through a series
of questions.

The first question I always ask this type of person is this:

"Are you buying MLM leads?"

Invariably I get the same answer over and over.
Yes, I buy 100, 200, or even 500 leads a month - the answer
varies per person. However when I ask the next tough question,
how many people have you sponsored and how long have you
been cold calling these leads, the answer is almost always the
same - ZERO! Sure there is the rare person that has sponsored
people, that is if they are actually telling me the truth.

The cold hard fact is that most of us will never be able to sponsor
enough people with purchased leads to grow a substantial organization
before we run out of money. Even if we do sponsor people, how many
of them will actually have the stomach to do what we have done?
Not many!

In fact when I first got started I had spent thousands of dollars
on leads, hours and hours on the phone and I was scared to death!
I had no idea what I would do to help a new associate get started
when I finally did sponsor someone. I felt physically sick when I
realized that I was leading others down the same dead end path I was on.

You have doomed your MLM business to fail if you are purchasing
MLM leads and only calling them one time - with no other way to
make money if they don't join your primary business.

This is exactly why I turned to the internet and put myself in
a position of lead abundance and positive cash flow. No longer
do I hang on each new lead and act from a position of desperation
- the internet allows you to completely change your mindset.

Once you start generating your own leads, and stop buying
expensive un-targeted MLM leads - you are now in charge
of your destiny. The easiest way to do this is to plug into the
The Spiderwebsystem that does all the work for you.

To find out more about the system I use to generate leads
and make a positive cash flow Be sure to Visit the