Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Making A Home Based MLM Business Opportunity Successful

Making a home based MLM business opportunity successful does not have to be tedious labor, but it is nonetheless labor intensive. While the temptation with home based businesses is the ease with which the commitment to the work can slip if nobody is there to supervise and spur on, the fact that MLM business opportunities provide unprecedented money making capabilities have more than offset the risk of a truly dedicated entrepreneur losing out on profits.

To make your home based MLM business opportunity truly successful, there are some tips you will not want to be without.

* Break out of your box and think global. While in essence the nature of multi level marketing is the personal one on one sales contact, the fact that the Internet is now in play has permitted you to transcend your circle of friends and family and instead market your good or service nationwide. Yet why should you stop there? Think global! Why not take your business to the other side of the world? Find out what will appeal to consumers in other parts of the world and tailor your promotions to their tastes and needs accordingly.

* Make the most of social sites, such as You Tube and My Space. Similarly, become active in the bloggosphere. These are the current trends on the ‘Net and the movers and shakers are operating within these circles. Whenever you work in MLM it is vital that you remain on the cutting edge of the Internet and therefore always a step ahead of the competition.

* If you are currently involved in a home based MLM business opportunity that utilizes an actual good, try to shift over to a service that is sellable via the ‘Net. This way your global appeal with triple while a physical good may be rather limiting to a certain geographical area.

* Of course, the real key to making it in the competitive world of MLM is the ability to remain focused, manage contacts and inquiries, and never tire of exploring new avenues to make others aware of your business. This will most likely require long hours of research, networking, and trolling through forums and other areas where fellow MLM participants will discuss their exploits. Learning from others what works and what does not is a great way to avoid costly mistakes and numerous hours spent chasing customers where they are not to be found.

In addition to these tips, please remember that home based MLM business opportunity success will not come overnight. In spite of the attractive television infomercials, Internet ads, and webinars that all claim to have made millionaires out of ordinary folks just like you, the notion that such a step could be taken in a short period of time is unrealistic. The odds are good that you will spend the better part of a month getting to know the program and its limitations and then the remainder of the next six months growing your business and at the same time working on recruiting. Within a year, if you have been diligent, you will most likely see a good pay off, but the idea of a six figure income within 12 short months is usually more than just optimistic.

Is Your MLM About To Go Bankrupt and Leave You Flat?

Investing in a legitimate MLM is probably the best way to ensure that your MLM is not going to go bankrupt on you. This is not always an easy thing to ascertain even when you have access to detailed information about the multilevel marketing company you have invested your time and money in. Even the best of them has had problems with regulatory bodies and litigation so the best idea is to explore the legality, legitimacy and financial stability of the MLM in question.
Separating the Good from the Bad.

There are several ways to find out whether an MLM company is based on a scam or not. Most of the multi level marketing companies out there do try to operate on a legitimate MLM principle but the problem is that regulations that govern this alter a lot from state to state and country to country. Each American state has no fewer than fifty statutes in place to keep the scams at bay but the scams keep coming and legitimate MLM operators are often shut down in the bargain.
The things that separate a legitimate MLM from a scam are quite simple and are things that you should look at closely when you are starting your own business whether it is a home business or one of the many other small business opportunities that are out there.

Upfront Costs
The first thing that you should look at is if the product or service you will be providing is being provided for a reasonable price. Many multilevel marketing companies operate solely on the principle of charging way too much for what they provide knowing they will go bust from the start usually forming the company on the backs of the work at home investor who inevitably gets it in the teeth.
There should also be no or little investment other than the purchase of the sales kit or demo materials to get you started and this should be provided at or near the company’s cost. You will also want to be able to become a sales rep without having to buy thousands of dollars worth of inventory. This is a sure fire way to separate a scam from a legitimate MLM.

Avoid Pyramid Schemes
The idea of the pyramid scheme is what has given the multilevel marketing industry a bad name and it is these operators that are most likely to go bankrupt and take your money with them. So it is important to make sure that there is actually a product to sell and not just getting more people to come on board. This is also illegal and ignorance of the law is no defence, even in America.

Examine the Compensation Plan
Another way to separate the scams from the good work at home or small business opportunities is to look at the compensation plans provided by the multilevel marketing operator. If they are promising anything like sixty percent or more for the first few cycles, run a mile because they are going to go bust in the very near future and they will not provide anything then!

Do They Offer Training?
The subject of training is a pretty good indicator of exactly what sort of multilevel marketing company it is. A legitimate MLM will want the people in the company to be able to sell the products and recruit more people to do that so it is in their best interest and a financially sensible thing to provide training to every person who wants to be involved in their multilevel marketing venture.

The variety of multilevel marketing scams is astounding and the people who run them are very inventive. So much so that as soon as the government recognizes them as not being a legitimate MLM they will start up another multilevel marketing company that runs on a slightly altered idea. So when you are choosing a work at home or any other type of small business opportunity to invest your time or money in be very careful and do your homework.

How To Have Mlm Success With Effective Follow-Ups

If you want to have success with MLM it is vital that you follow up with your prospects. Just sending a package through the mail or an email to your website does not get the message across strong enough to your prospects. To have success in multi-level marketing you have to be willing to make that extra call to see if your prospect is satisfied, answer any questions, and more than anything just show them that you are there for them.

While the most important thing is to follow up with your prospect, the next thing to focus on is delivering an effective follow-up. If you are not familiar on how to follow up with your prospect you risk the chance of leaving out important questions that can kill your MLM success.

The most obvious reason to follow up with your prospect is to make sure they received the package or email. If they never received the package, how are you going to have MLM success without them knowing anything about it? By assuring that they received your mail it gives you an excuse to talk to them.

When you contact them, ask them if they have some time to talk about the opportunity that lies ahead of them. A promising prospect will have already viewed the contents of the package and is willing to take the time to get involved. Ask them if they have any questions regarding the package and do your best to keep them intrigued.

In order to have MLM success you are going to have to be able to turn some objections into positive feedback. Even some of the most interested prospects will have their doubts of what can go wrong, so you have to be prepared to ease their apprehension. Even the slightest pause can show them that you yourself may have doubts as well. You must be calm and confident to answer anything that is thrown your way.

By taking each objection and answering them in a serious manner, you’ll show the prospect that you care about them. This is key to getting a prospect to join and vital to your MLM success. Also know that an objection doesn’t always mean they are not interested; there may be something deeper into the “I’m not interested.” Just because they said no once doesn’t mean you should never contact them again. People who have success in MLM do not give up on a possible prospect that easy.

Follow-ups are vital to you have any kind of MLM success. The most obvious piece of advice for a follow-up is to be prepared before contacting the prospect. If you have a prepared presentation you should have no problem dealing with objections and answering any questions they may have. The first step to success in MLM is knowledge on what you are recruiting, so be prepared and give your prospects the attention they deserve.

From Curious To Productive In Your MLM

Have I been getting an education lately. I came to the realization that most online businesses are being pitched not really to teach how to be successful online, but to get you signed up and spending money.

When I look at other peoples' sales letters and advertisements, I try to look at them with this point of view... They are trying to sell me something, and not necessarily help become successful.

I've fallen for them too!!

Have you ever gone to a conference call or meeting for your business and then when it's over you’re totally fired up? Then you get back home and then you’re thinking... "What do I do now?"

Or how about you have followed your uplines advice to the "T" and you have no results?

Or you joined a program because it "looked" good, but you really had no idea how to effectively market that program?

I have done all of these things.

As a matter of fact Millions of people all around the world have done these things. I would imagine that if you are reading this you have done some of these things.

Here's the deal. My success was built around following a specific plan of action that someone showed me. Please understand that I didn't just listen to anyone, I worked with someone that was earning over six figures. My experience has been that typically a sponsor may have even less experience than me, and may offer me well meaning, but ineffective advice.

I wanted to learn from someone who has built an online business, where they are currently earning at least 100,000 or above. I'm not talking about my sponsor’s upline; I'm talking about my sponsor. I wouldn't join a program where my personal sponsor wasn't making at least 100,000

He told me that I had to learn how to focus on the things that would make me successful. I had to stop joining every program that came along. I had to stop trying to work with people that won't build. I had to "get serious"

That’s what I did. Having a step by step, literally click by click system, where I could call my sponsor when I had trouble was absolutely the best mentoring, and the most exciting part of my online career.

Here is what is missing from most people's businesses.

1. They are listening to someone that is not successful (well meaning and successful are two very different things!!)

2. They don't have a specific online strategy for building their business.

3. They are unwilling to commit to the fundamentals.

4. They don't know what the fundamentals are!!

5. They get stuck in some minor problem and have no one to show them the way (maybe they don't know html, or how to copy and paste, or what a URL bar is)... Don't laugh; simple problems hold people back

6. They have no one (who is successful already mentoring then WHERE THEY ARE RIGHT NOW, one on one.

As always,i would love to hear your questions, comments or concerns.

How to build a great business with MLM Leads

When you are starting out with a new business, it can be scary. You are not going to know if your company is going to make it or not. You are not sure of the road ahead and the future is very uncertain for many. When a business is new and trying to make a go at it, it is a good idea to have the backup that is necessary from a great company like MLM Leads.

This company will help you get started with all that you need to know about how to get your business moving in the right direction. When you are not sure what to do first, you will find that a great business company like MLM Leads, will help you get your company off the ground and running at its full potential.

You can get great calling leads when you choose to use MLM Leads. You will have a great list of prospective buyers and you can go from there. There are no cold calls anymore when you are given the information that MLM offers. You will find that every call you make will be a potential customer waiting to make you money.

There are a few ways to use the leads that MLM provides. There is the web posting. This will mean that you will have high search engine rankings. You can also have pay per click and there is also high pop up advertising. With these kinds of methods of advertising your company, you will get your name across to all of interested people that would benefit from your company.

There are so many interesting things that MLM Leads can do for people. There are debt consolidations, mortgages, and so much more. There is an endless list of possibilities for you and your company when you are using MLM. You cannot go wrong when you decide to give us a try. You can build your company up overnight with the endless adventures that you can take with this fortune making company.

So many fresh leads are added every day and will produce great ideas for customers. There is a great range of MLM Lead packages to ensure the quality of any new company’s budget. You will get to choose the package that makes the most sense for you. There are no hassles and no worries to have. All you need to do is trust the work that we can do for you and your new and uprising company. There is no reason to wait any longer. Getting started now, will only benefit you and your business.

You can find out all of the great things that MLM Leads has done for other people too. There are already many satisfied customers that will help you in making the decision to use this great and helpful company now.

For more info visit: The Spiderwebmarketingsystem

How To Approach Your Mlm Warm Market - Without Chasing Away Your Family And Friends

If you've been in network marketing a while, then you know that the "warm market" is always the place to start when kicking off a new business. However, you also know that talking to your family and friends can be one of the most frightening, even intimidating tasks we can undertake, especially when we're new.

Here's something to keep in mind. This is the first impression of business building that most distributors get when starting off. Therefore, a positive experience in the warm market is absolutely critical in determining whether a new person will continue to move forward with their business or not.

If you're like most distributors, you were taught (by a well-intentioned sponsor) to approach your warm market with a "selling" mentality. The kind that says go out and get your products or opportunity in front of everyone on your list. Now that might be OK for the cold market, but we're talking about people that you know on a personal level here. These are the people with whom you don't want to burn any bridges.

In addition, very often we don't realize that even though we may be over-flowing with excitement, it can be very difficult for others to feel the same level of enthusiasm, especially if this is their first exposure to our products or opportunity. And without controlling our excitement, it becomes very easy to overwhelm people with too much information causing them to feel pressured or defensive.

So, the difference between success and failure in your warm market is all in your approach. There is a right way and a wrong way to go about it. The good news is, approaching your warm market the right way is a whole lot easier and fun than doing it the wrong way.

Now, before you start talking to people, there's something very important to remember. No one on your list is looking for your product or opportunity. Therefore, you don't want to just hit people over the head with your sales tools and hope they'll be interested. They won't. You must sort out the interested from the uninterested.

Furthermore, don't make the "rookie" mistake of trying to guess who would be interested. So many times brand new distributors start out by saying things like, "I just know my brother-in-law is going to love this. He's got sales experience, he's energetic, he knows a lot of people, he would be perfect. I'm not going to talk to anyone 'til after I talk to him." Then they end up chasing this person for days trying to convince them to join just to have them say "no" in the end.

Meanwhile, in the same time frame an experienced distributor has talked to 20 people, sorted out the 7 or 8 interested, and signed up 5. Here's this principle in a nutshell:

"Professionals sort. Amateurs convince."

Write that down, stick it where you can see it, and never forget it.

So, how do you go about sorting out the right people? It's quite simple actually, but it must be done in a very passive way. Otherwise, if you're too aggressive people will smell a sales pitch and run away, leaving you with nothing but a bad reputation.

There's a very clever way to sort out people that doesn't raise any red flags. Here's how it works:

* Start by calling the people on your list with the premise that you're simply updating your address book or making sure that the phone number you have for them is still valid.

* Strike up a very friendly and relaxed conversation by asking, "So what have you been up to?" Let them talk as long as they wish and don't interrupt.

* Inevitably, they're going to ask you the same question. Tell them about your life, NOT your business. Talk about your kids, your job, your hobbies, or anything. Then make a statement like, "Oh yeah, I also started my own business."

* Of course they're going to ask, "Oh really, what is it?" That's your cue. Make a quick "teaser" statement like "I show people how to lower their cholesterol (or whatever your product does) and make extra money from home."

* Then, immediately make a third person statement such as, "Hey do me a favor, if you know anyone who could use that send them my way OK."

* Now, if they don't respond in a curious manner, drop the subject and get back to the friendly conversation.

* However, if they say something like "What about me?" or "How does it work?", congratulations you've got yourself a hot prospect.

Here's what you do next. Stop the conversation right there. Control your enthusiasm and DON'T answer any more questions. If you allow your prospect's questions to steer the conversation, they will always steer you right into the ditch, guaranteed.

Instead tell them, "Look, I'm still kind of new at this and still learning so let me send you some information on it so you can see how it works."

NOW you can show them your company's sales tools. Let the sales tools do all the work for you. And when you send the sales tools, send a couple extra with a hand-written personal note asking them to help you out by passing along your information. Your only job now is to follow up. Remember, the fortune is in the follow-up!

And THAT'S how you approach your warm market the right way. This simple strategy accomplishes 5 major objectives:

#1 It sorts out the right people for you so you don't waste time, energy, or money on the wrong people.

#2 It takes the "selling" pressure off of both you and your prospect.

#3 It removes the emotional element of being rejected.

#4 It virtually eliminates the need to "overcome objections".

#5 And most importantly, it preserves valuable relationships.

Just remember, everyone on your list is not a customer. Don't try to guess who is and who isn't. Just be yourself and let your prospects step forward on their own. And if you'll do that, you'll keep your friends and family and building your business will always be easy and fun.

How MLM Recruiting Can Make You Rich

There are several things a person can do to become successful in network marketing, but none compare to the benefits you will receive from MLM recruiting. A majority of your time should be spent on recruiting and building your business because in the end, everyone wants to be rich. The further you build your business the higher your income is going to be. So how do you go about recruiting and what are the magical secrets to success in multilevel marketing? Let’s find out.

The first part to MLM recruiting is believing in yourself and the product that you are promoting. You must believe that your product is the best out there and that it is going to benefit everyone that becomes associated with it. If you promote the product with great knowledge and passion then other people will be curious as to why it is truly as good as you make it out to be. Now you have the person’s attention.

Getting people to your website is the key to advertising. Everyone that has internet access has the capability of seeing your information at THEIR convenience. When you’re advertising online, always cross-market by advertising your website and phone number. This gives people multiple ways to contact you enhancing your chances of building your network marketing downline.

Communication is a key aspect to how people will perceive the product. With network marketing, you will be recruiting in various ways from telephone, email, letter and more. If you are fumbling with words trying to explain the benefits of the product, people will question your knowledge of the product. You need to know the ins and outs of the product and be prepared for any question that may come up.

Building a personal relationship will help in multilevel marketing. Know that everyone you deal with has a life and hobbies outside of network marketing themselves. If you take the time to get to know them a little better they will begin to trust you more and be more inclined to buy into your product. Ask them about family, hobbies, interests, career goals and more.

Persistency is the key to success in network marketing and will help in the recruiting process. Be consistent to follow up on every email that you receive to keep the personal relationship in tact. Offer something of value to them such as new ezines of yours that they can subscribe to for free. Keep them interested on an ongoing basis until they finally decide it is worth buying into.

MLM recruiting is all about persistency and consistency. If the person sees your dedication and you take the time to build a relationship, you will build a large downline in no time. If you can show people that they are worth while, then they will be more inclined to listen to you and you will be on your way to a successful MLM recruitment.

How Do You Duplicate Your MLM?

When you have enrolled in your MLM opportunity or your affiliate program, you expected to make money without too much effort and fast because you've been sold to it. You got excited in the first days or weeks and you already have put some of your dreams in it. Soon after, let say after few weeks, unfortunately reality falls back for most of us and you got to a point where discouragement reached your door faster than your initial excitment. What did happen to you? It's not your fault!

Most affiliate programs train their members to pitch their personalized link right and left expecting and hoping it will grab someone's attention, even to bug your friends and family. That's how you call sale pitch. Nobody likes to be sold, I've been sold myself and I have never liked it.

What about the duplication aspect of your business? What about the training material provided with your MLM? How to train your downline? Once you enroll a new member, what do you do with him or her? How can you help your new members? Ask yourself, what can I do myself since I'm enrolled?

A lot of MLM or affiliate programs on the Internet are limited in the training material and the tools provided to use for advertising. That's how Pay It Forward 4 Profits (PIF4P) comes in this way. PIF4P is a franchise system that is designed to train and educate yourself first on how to advertise on the Internet, the biggest challenge for all of us. It's a step-by-step system that trains you about your business by enrolling other PIF4P members and then to duplicate your efforts. Remember how McDonald's started more than 30 years ago. They had success - and still today - because it is a fully duplicatable system, step-by-step process but on a larger scale of course. PIF4P has exactly the same concept of duplication using the Internet.

People are not looking for a compensation plan, they are looking for information and education first. From my own experience and by surfing and enrolling with different affiliate programs, the home business industry desesperately needs education and training. That's one of the main reason 95% of people fail - I failed too - with Internet home business, lack of education and training.

PIF4P provides the training, support, conference calls and material you need to succeed for free. It's also designed to help you build your downline (new PIF4P members under you) for your MLM or affiliate programs. Imagine having hundred's of PIF4P members under you, how much easier it is to simply present your MLM or primary program.

I have personaly tried all sort of things, loosing money, hit walls, buying expensive marketing material, etc. PIF4P has help me in my home business and it has been a significant turning point when I was just about to give up on my dreams. I have never came accross a program that offers so much information and education for free. Everything I need know now about Internet marketing comes from PIF4P. You can learn what I have learned too. You can do it.

Guaranteed Income & MLM Success Available for Anyone!

Just about everyone would like to make some extra money with a guaranteed income and MLM success. In fact, most people would be thrilled to have a guaranteed income in a business that is their own and allows them to operate it from home. What's more, this business would allow the business owner to have more time to spend with family and friends, more time to do activities that they enjoy and have the money that allows them to have a more leisurely lifestyle.

Come on, though, this is a fantasy, right?

No! A guaranteed income and MLM success is well within your grasp. You can have the things that you want and live the life you have always dreamed of living.

There are ways that you can start your own business and earn a residual income, making money effortlessly. This system really works, it has targeted a very large market that is hungry to buy, and is the perfect system, the perfect product.

Through this system, you get the freedom of owning your very own business that you can operate from home. In fact, you can operate your business from anywhere that you can operate a laptop! Go to work in your pajamas! Work when you want doing what you want. This system will tell you how.

There is no point in giving up a 9 to 5 job that you hate and trading it for another job that you won't like either. Until now, your options were limited when it came to having a legitimate home business. You could either try to make a go of it with all of the scams that inundated the internet, wading through the different programs to find the lesser of the evils in hopes of making a few bucks, or you could run a highly specialized business such as writing, day trading or some other business that required special skills.

Well, those days are over. With this system, you get guaranteed income and MLM success. The really cool part is that literally anyone can do it! If you can type on a computer or click a mouse, you can make money with this system.

There are two ways that you can make money with that system. You can sell some products which works great until the market becomes saturated. This market saturation eventually happens with nearly every product, then the demand declines because you are no longer the only game in town. This means that at that point you will have to lower your prices or move on to something else.

The other way, though, is a secret method that is exclusive to this system. It allows members to make money day after day, year after year, with residual income. What's more, there is no one to call, no meetings, not time consuming conference calls that tell you little or nothing about how to make money. The focus in entirely on how you will increase your business and make the amount of money that you want to make. How much is up to you and how much effort you want to invest.

Finding Targeted MLM Leads

The objective of multi-level marketing (MLM) is to sell the product or service and to encourage the client to become an independent distributor, who then sells the service or product as well. Leads are vital for any business to grow, and in order for the business owner to have the greatest success, the leads must be curious enough in the business opportunity to have expressed an interest. The prospects that have expressed an interest in becoming distributors are known as Targeted MLM Leads.

The objective of multi-level marketing (MLM) is to sell the product or service and to encourage the client to become an independent distributor, who then sells the service or product as well. Leads are vital for any business to grow, and in order for the business owner to have the greatest success, the leads must be curious enough in the business opportunity to have expressed an interest. The prospects that have expressed an interest in becoming distributors are known as Targeted MLM Leads.

To find targeted MLM leads, business owners must first have ample knowledge of their target market. Are they self-starters? Do they have the commitment necessary to be part of a network? Business owners must also understand the product or service, the company mission statement, and its goals and objectives well enough to offer a good sales presentation. Delivering a presentation, however compelling, to someone that has not shown interest in the product, service, or business opportunity is a waste of time and resources.

Business owners can acquire targeted MLM leads from various sources. The most convenient sources are the companies that compile and sell lead lists. The business owner, however, should be careful when choosing a lead list source, as some may be fraudulent. Some targeted MLM leads are identified through telephone interviews or direct mail response. Business owners can also obtain targeted leads from promotional give-away programs that have high traffic. Usually a person will fill out a simple survey to claim the promotional item, and the business owner can then use the survey to assess whether he or she will be a quality lead.

The 5 Greatest Myths In MLM - And The Single Secret Needed To Truly Grow Your Business

OK, before we get started I want to warn each of you - this is a no holes barred article. If you’re successful already in MLM, you may even not want to read further - it might give you nightmares about just how big your group could have been if you’d only known the truths.
Anyway enough said so lets get down to business. Regardless of which business we are in, almost every networking company spreads the same myths. I’m going to talk about the worst 5 myths, although there are many more. So grab a blanket, make a hot chocolate, sit next to the fire and get ready for the truth !

Myth 1 : No Selling
Lets start with the least serious myth - “No Selling”. How many of you were told when you joined your MLM program that it wouldn’t involve selling ? How many of you have told your prospects or your downline the same thing ? I can still hear my first upline “Its OK, there’s no selling it’s just sorting”. Lets get real here. Why are we showing people our products, service or business ? Just for fun ? We’re looking for them to either buy the product or join the business. In both cases their buying - which mean’s we’re selling - whether we like it or not. The only difference between a sorting mindset and learning and applying proper techniques is the closing ratio - on average 1 in 15 vs. 1 in 3 !

So why do we tell people there is no selling ? Because people are scared to death of selling. As simple as that. We’re afraid the prospect will put on their Nikes and run if we answer “yes there is selling”. However if the prospect is scared about selling when their really, really excited about the business, how keen are they really going to be in 3 or 4 days when they are starting to have little doubts ? Sure they’ll come to training, use your time, make friends and show up guestless at the hotel briefings, but is this what we want ?
Why not answer their questions honestly ? “To be honest, yes there is selling involved, but only to the extent of helping them reach a decision that’s best for them. Don’t worry though, we’ll guide you and train you every step of the way. Does that sound fair enough ?”
Try it, you might be surprised !

Myth 2 : The Power Of 2
Depending on your business this could also be “The Power of 3,4 or 5”. The number of people joining Network Marketing who are told that all they need to do is just find 2 (or 3,4 or 5), and they’re sorted. Why ? Because those 2 get 2 who get 2 …… and you’re now a millionaire, or very rich in the worst case. This has to be one of the worst myths in Network Marketing for several reasons

a) Drop Out Rates
Over 90% of Network Marketers quit in the first 6 to 12 months. The 2 get 2 get 2….. just doesn’t reflect this or reality. Prospects are not told they need massive action and effort to be successful, and that just getting 2 is enough.

b) False Expectations
If you are running a marathon and know you’re running a marathon, then yes its difficult but you are at least mentally prepared for the distance. If you were to start the race believing you were only running 1 mile, then the last 25 are going to seem like hell. You just aren’t mentally prepared for the distance.
Logically it seems obvious that if you’re going to run a marathon then you should prepare yourself for a marathon and not a short sprint. The same applies to any activity, however over and over again, we set our new prospects up for failure by telling them they are up for a short sprint instead of an endurance race.
Is there a better way ? Sure, set realistic expectations from the start. Imagine the following conversation when a prospect starts.

“Well Mr. Prospect, to be honest if you have 5 hours a week you aren’t going to earn millions in a year. Sure you may earn an extra £500 a month after 12 months, and you wouldn’t be the first if you made several thousand after 12 months but it does all come down to you and your effort. Are you willing to put forth the effort needed, and dedicate at least 5 high quality hours to your business ? …… Great then lets start realistic and set out a plan of action to get you started
1. Lets get your income to the level that you get your products for free
2. Lets help 3 others then get their products for free
3. Lets show them how to help others
4. Then lets stop and set new goals for you.

This will probably have taken around 6 months and you’re now likely to be earning around £250 a month. Now that’s residual every month so it’s a nice start and totally realistic.”
Which one sounds more realistic, less hype and sets the prospect up for sustained effort ? Its up to you which you choose to use, but choose wisely.

Myth 3 - 3 Way Calling
I can already see many of you standing up and defending 3 way calling before I even start. Sure it has some major benefits. If you’re a new prospect, then its re-assuring to be able to just listen to an expert tell your prospects all about the business, answer their questions and sign them up. You just sit there and listen and watch your business grow. But you deserve it right ??!! You did get those prospects in front of your upline in the first place, right ?
So lets try looking at 3 way calling in another example.

You go to your local Ford garage and are looking for a new car. A salesman comes up to you and tells you he has the best car in the world for you, and you just have to take a look. So you go and have a look around the car and it looks good. Actually it looks almost perfect, maybe even too good. So you start asking a few questions. You ask the simple ones first “does it come in blue ?” The salesman answers that he thinks so. You ask if you can have alloy wheels too. The salesman then relies “well actually, let me just get an expert on the phone for you. He knows all about these cars and can answer all your questions for you.” So you get the car expert on the phone and he tells you all about the car and competently answers your questions. You then happily buy the perfect car, safe in the knowledge of a good purchase.

Sounds good doesn’t it. And that’s what happens in Network Marketing, so just what is the problem ?
Simple ! Lets go back to the example. If you were buying that car, after talking to the expert, what’s your opinion of the salesman in front of you ? Come on, be truthful ? You see him as a paper pushing monkey, who doesn’t really know much but can at least do the paperwork, correct ?
Now that is EXACTLY what your new associate thinks as well. So who do you think they’re going to take their new prospects to ? You or your upline ? Good guess - you won’t be getting that phone call. Your new associate is serious, and you couldn’t even answer their questions, so why are they going to entrust their new diamond covered, gold plated, hot new prospect to you ?
You see - YOU are never positioned. How can you build your business long term using this approach ? The simple answer is that you can’t.

“But wait” you say. “I’ve been told this is the best way to grow the business”. I’ll be the first to tell you that, that statement is absolutely true. It is. However its not your business that growing, its your upline’s. You see you have to face the truth. Over 90% of network marketers fail or quit in the first 12 months. As far as your upline is concerned you’re almost guaranteed to quit. So he needs you to bring in at least 1person to replace yourself. If you get 2 then even better, their business just grew. On average people bring in 2.3 new prospects before quitting. If you were your upline, wouldn’t you want to be positioned as the expert and have that relationship with the new prospects ?

Now back to the car salesman. What if you asked him questions and he answered the majority competently ? Lets say you ask him a really, really tricky one, how about “how many teeth does the 4th gear wheel have ?” Instead of getting you an expert he replied “wow ! Great question and to be honest I’ve not been asked that before. Grab a cup of coffee, I’ll just find out for you and be back in 5 minutes.”

You still got all your answers, you still buy the car.
But what’s your opinion of the car salesman now ?
A little different ?

Spend the time to become the expert, treat your business like YOUR business and position yourself as the expert. I promise you the results will amaze you !
For those of you still sceptical about the truth behind 3 way calling. Here’s a quick thought for you. When you highest upline started…. Who did he 3 way call to ? The CEO ? Think about it.

Myth 4 : Prospecting Your Warm Market
This has to be one of THE craziest myths put about in Network Marketing. Hands up everyone reading this report, who has ever talked to their friends or family about their MLM business. OK. That’s the majority of you.

OK. Put your hands down if you’ve never enrolled a single person from your warm market. WOW ! About 50% just put their hands down. Did you see that.
Now for the killer question out there. Put your hands down if YOUR warm market quit within the first 6 months. What I mean is keep your hand up if the people YOU recruited into the business from your warm market are still working away and growing the business. WOW ! Give the 3 guys and gals with their hands still up a round of applause. It only works for around 5% of you.

If you think I’m making this up, then I challenge you to ask the same question at your next big meeting - just do me a favour and let the guests leave first ok. Or lets make it easy for you. Look at your big upline leaders, and then look at the next level of leaders under them. I’ll bet you can see every single member of their family there can’t you ? Can’t you ?
So why is it that it doesn’t work ? Quite simple. We’ve covered a few reasons earlier in the report, so lets talk about a few other reasons.

1.You don’t command respect with your family about business
Your family know you almost as well as you know yourselves. They remember the time when you fell from the tree and broke your leg because you misjudged the branch, oh wait that was me…. Never mind you get the picture. They remember all your mistakes, all the problems you’ve gone through - everything. They haven’t seen you be a big business success yet, so why should they believe you that this could be different ?

2.You’re told NOT to qualify anyone
This one is great ! I remember when I joined my first business, I was told - "NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES QUALIFY ANYONE !" Why ? Because obviously you never know when the time is right for someone to add new income to their pockets.
I have to be brutally honest here. This is the biggest pile of rubbish ever told ! Marketing 101 - Always target your prospect. If you have a list of 100 people who have shown they have a need, want or desire for your product, then you’re likely to get 10-15 to actually take a look, and sign up between 3 and 7 people either into your opportunity or to start using your product. If you now take a random list of people from the phone book (which is what you’re effectively doing), then your success rate plummets. If you get 2 or 3 to take a look you’re doing well ! You see you’re just not putting the numbers in your favour.

Also ask yourself this. If you want to create massive growth in your business then YOU personally are going to need to sponsor a large number of people. I’m not talking about 20 to 30 people in total, I’m talking a sustained 3 - 5 people personally A WEEK ! Take a look at the size of your warm market. Can you realistically bring in 3 - 5 people a week ? What are you going to do when your warm market runs out ? Either you can be like most upline leaders, praying that their downline brings in enough people to sustain growth, or you can take the time and effort to learn basic principles of marketing, are really start to bring the Marketing back into Network Marketing.

Oh, and if you don’t believe the comment about your upline leaders praying - think back to those hotel briefings. Choose any leader that has a downline of more than 100 people and try and remember if you can remember them bringing even one guest since you’ve been there.

MYTH 5 : Its All About Leads
After Myth 4, we now tie in very nicely to Myth 5. You see some leaders, maybe 20-30% are actually on the ball. They realise their warm markets are not infinite. They realise that they might actually have to do some serious effort so they go out and start looking at cold calling. Now cold calling is not as evil as its made to be. Well, if done properly its not. OK, time for another test. Hands up anyone who’s ever paid $5 or more for a RED HOT lead ? Thought so, about 50% of people in MLM have done that. Still keep your hands up, I have another question for you yet ! Take your hands down if you bought these leads from someplace else, other than a recommendation from your upline. Opps. Only a few put their hands down.

You see these mega red hot leads are generated by hundreds of websites out there, where people are asked to leave their details if they are interested in an opportunity. What actually happens, and I know this because I’ve been there, is you get a list of job seekers, that would rival the social security queue at the job centre, OR you get a whole list of people who actually were only interested in the toaster they were offered for leaving their details, or the prize draw entry for the trip to Hawaii.

You see the leads mostly don’t work. But what does this have to do with your upline ? Because it’s a numbers game and they know that out of 100 leads at least a few will join. So what’s better ? 1 person dialling or 10 people dialling - silly question or what. However, most online lead services actually offer a commission to people to recommend their lead source to their downline. Now the commissions vary from a measly 5% to a whopping 30%. So look at it from your upline’s perspective. You get paid to grow your business. I’d be screaming BINGO !

So you might be thinking that I’m actually recommending not to use cold leads. Nothing could be further from the truth. I’m just recommending you do it properly. Let me give you an example. In my primary I retail weight loss products. Let me describe my cold lead that I use, and tell me how much you think it is. The list are women who’ve been a member of a weight loss club in the last 12 months, they are still wearing a large dress size, they have purchased a product on a credit card in the last 12 months, and they have a household income in excess of $25000 or £13000. So I know they are overweight, I know they have tried to lose weight and I know they have a credit card and can afford my product. Sound like a hot lead ? OK time for guesses. How much does this lead cost me ?

$10 ? Nope
$5 ? Nope
$2 ? Nope
$1 ? Nope
50 cents ? Nope

Try a miniscule 10 cents, or 5pence, a lead. That’s what happens when you learn how to target your prospect, and know how to grow your business like a proper business.
If you really want to kick start your business then how about having your very own website, where people come and leave you their details requesting help ? That’s definitely a hot lead. With the proper skills and techniques you can do this for a lot less than $2 a lead, and with the right optimisation around $1 a lead. Kinda makes those $5 leads look a bit long in the tooth doesn’t it ? However, remember you’ll need to learn how to market your site, write killer copy and drive your audiences to take action !

The Big Secret !
So right about know you’re probably wondering exactly what the big secret is aren’t you ! I know I would be. It took me nearly 6 months of failure before working this one out, and I know many others that took years.

The “Big Secret” that you need to know - is simply this. Do exactly what multimillionaires and billionaires do. They find mentors who have been successful and find out exactly how they did it ! They then get help every step of the way to success. The secret though is that you need to find real mentors who are able to succeed with any product or service. This means learning the Art and Science of Marketing. Something less than 1% of all network marketers have done, and THE reason why those 1% account for more than 80% of the top 5% of top network marketers.

Evaluating A Work At Home Mlm Opportunity Can Improve Chances Of Success

Before committing your time and money to any work at home multi level marketing plan, you should conduct a full evaluation. Not only of the program you are considering becoming a part of, but also your commitment to operate it with the effort it will take to be successful.

Many multi level marketing programs have a fee to join, with the promise that the fee will be returned many times over from the sales you will make on the site. For most of the honest multi level marketi...

Before committing your time and money to any work at home multi level marketing plan, you should conduct a full evaluation. Not only of the program you are considering becoming a part of, but also your commitment to operate it with the effort it will take to be successful.

Many multi level marketing programs have a fee to join, with the promise that the fee will be returned many times over from the sales you will make on the site. For most of the honest multi level marketing companies that is more than true. Many people may wonder why they are being charged a fee to essentially work for the company. The fact is, you are not working for the company. You are working for yourself, at home, using techniques and technology developed by the company at considerable expense.

The minimal fee most multi level marketing companies impose before you start earning money is to protect their investment as well as to supply a little motivation for you to at least give an honest try to operate the business. Consider brick and mortar franchise businesses and the fees they charge for you own one of their businesses. Their name is on the building and their reputation is on the line every time they sell the right to use their name, equipment and operational methods to someone from outside the company.

The huge initial investment and the monthly franchise fees motivates the new owner to use all the company’s directions for success in order to be able to make a living doing work for themselves under someone else’s name. With multi level marketing you will be using another company’s name, products and methodology, but your name will on the web site as well. Prominently displayed for everyone to see.

Like the franchise owner knows the company’s program works well or he may not have been as interested in owning one of the stores, to be involved an work at home an MLM opportunity must also follow the developer’s plan or the chance of success is greatly reduced. Like the old saying goes, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

Many work at home MLM opportunities have been developed, tweaked, tried and then reworked until the company devised a successful solution. Since you are most likely just beginning to work at home in this field, you probably will not find success in changing the methods devised by specially trained people.

If you give the work at home MLM opportunity a whole-hearted honest attempt and it does not produce income for you, then perhaps it was not the right opportunity for you. This will present you with two three options. You can quit and find another opportunity, you can quit and go back to working for someone else or you can decide that maybe your efforts were not the best and go back through your training to better understand where you may have become derailed.

Evaluate A MLM Business Lead

The MLM business has been around for quite some time. With the introduction and rapid use of the internet, though, MLM business has become very popular. When it comes to looking at and evaluating a MLM business lead, a person has to be very serious or they could end up losing out.

MLM or multi level marketing is a concept that is widely used on the internet for internet business. MLM once had quite a bad reputation because people started abusing the idea and created a spin...

The MLM business has been around for quite some time. With the introduction and rapid use of the internet, though, MLM business has become very popular. When it comes to looking at and evaluating a MLM business lead, a person has to be very serious or they could end up losing out.

MLM or multi level marketing is a concept that is widely used on the internet for internet business. MLM once had quite a bad reputation because people started abusing the idea and created a spin off, which became known as a pyramid scheme.

The main distinction between a pyramid scheme and a genuine MLM business lead is that an MLM will have products to sell and have a solid business background. A pyramid scheme, on the other hand, simply is all about signing people up and having them pay to sign up which is where the money comes from.

Besides making sure the opportunity you are looking at is not a pyramid scheme, you should also look at a few other things.

You need to seriously look at the company. Make sure it is a solid company with a good product and good ideas. You may want to talk with people or do research into the company.

You should also look at how you are paid. You should be able to make a good amount of money through selling the products without having to recruit anyone. Of course, recruiting is going to be where the most money is found, but initially, you should be able to profit from your efforts alone.

Lastly, if you have to pay anything upfront without getting anything in return then it is not a good idea to get started with the company. You should also not have to make purchases with the company in order to make any money.

Getting a good MLM business lead is something that you can easily do because there are many good companies out there. The bottom line, though, is you have to evaluate a MLM business lead before just jumping into it because there still are some scams out there that can waste your time and cost you money.

Essential Qualities of a Truly Successful MLM Business Opportunity

To succeed at any MLM business, a lot depends on the individual’s qualities. But nevertheless, a successful MLM business opportunity will always give its members an edge over other MLM companies. So how will you know if the MLM business opportunity you are considering is able to give you that “edge”? Well, here are some considerations for choosing a successful MLM business opportunity to start out your own business.

MLM business opportunities are the rage now on the internet realm. Almost everyday, a new MLM business opportunity is born. If someone decides to learn how to earn money online, the first opportunity that surfaces will probably be a MLM business opportunity. With so many MLM business opportunities sprouting up everyday, how will you know which ones are here to stay and which ones will be gone the next day? How do you decide if it will eventually allow you to earn a nice income working at home?

In order to succeed at any MLM business, a lot depends on the individual’s qualities. But nevertheless, a successful MLM business opportunity will always give its members an edge over other MLM companies. So how will you know if the MLM business opportunity you are considering is able to give you that “edge”? Well, here are some considerations for choosing a successful MLM business opportunity to start out your own business.

1. Great Products
Although MLM business opportunities promise great wealth for members who market the opportunity successfully, they are still essentially businesses and should provide a tangible product. A great product is one aspect of a MLM business opportunity that cannot be overlooked. A MLM business cannot survive solely on the opportunity it provides. No MLM business opportunity will be able to sustain itself without a great product and no members will be willing to stay on as members if there is no tangible benefit for them.

2. Great Compensation Plan
At the end of the day, the honest intention of anyone joining a MLM business opportunity is to be able to earn money. The products can be great and will be an added bonus in enticing people to join and stay on as pure consumers. But the majority of people who join have the sole intention of making it their main source of income and this is where a great compensation plan comes into play to bring about the best in all its members.

So what makes up a great compensation plan? There are many existing compensation plans that vary wildly in structure but ultimately a great compensation plan should be able to reward the most committed members for their sponsoring efforts. Incentives should be given to members who are able to sponsor the most members while members who are not as adept in sponsorship should still be able to reap reasonable rewards for their efforts. Ultimately, a great compensation plan will determine its members’ income and the life value of the MLM business opportunity.

3. Great Support and Training
This is the final piece of the puzzle and the most important component. Statistics show more than 80 percent of the people who join MLM business opportunities ultimately fail and give up. They move on and consider the experience as a lesson learnt or a miscalculated investment. But the truth is most failures do not result from bad decision but from bad support and training. A truly successful MLM business opportunity should be able to provide the necessary support for its members such as marketing materials, advertising avenues, thorough product and compensation details etc. Full training and upline to downline support must be available. Training sessions such as marketing techniques, how to get leads and lead conversion tactics are essential training that can make or break any MLM member. All members should be groomed to become good leaders who can in turn pass on their skills and techniques effectively. Only so can the success of a MLM business opportunity be assured.

The desire and commitment of an individual is indeed a key component to the wealth and success achievable. But making the right decision to take on the right business is also instrumental in aiding a person’s success. Choose a right MLM business opportunity with the essential qualities for success and commit to making it your own success, only then can you live the dream you truly desire.

Do Guaranteed Signups Work for MLM Internet Business Opportunity Promotion and Advertising?

Buying Guaranteed Signups is one of the most popular advertising methods available for MLM Internet business opportunity promoters. They offer a very cost-effective way of building a downline for any MLM program. For newer MLM Internet business opportunity promoters who have little experience in internet business advertising, Guaranteed Signups can seem like a heaven-sent, cost-effective way to guarantee their success.

In my earlier experiences with MLM Internet business opportunities, Guaranteed Signups were unheard of (this was over 5 years ago) among MLM Internet business opportunity promoters. Whether or not they were around at the time, I don’t even know. But one thing is for sure. They have grown to become of the biggest advertising methods for MLM Internet business opportunity promoters.

At first glance, whether you’re a MLM Internet business opportunity newbie or an experienced and successful Network Marketer, Guaranteed Signups grab your attention and interest like few other advertising methods will. Just the thought of getting dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of new prospects placed in your downline makes you start dreaming of the potential wealth.
At some point in researching Guaranteed Signups, most people become skeptical, thinking that something this great is way too good to be true. And they are certainly right to be skeptical. I mean, how can a company recruit this many targeted people to sign up for your MLM Internet business opportunity, and still make profit on the low price paid for them? It seems unlikely that they would be able to deliver this kind of service to your MLM Internet business opportunity.
So…Do these Guaranteed Signups work or not?

To be brutally honest, they do sometimes work, but the vast majority of the websites that sell these are scams. What they do is use information harvesting programs, similar to the ones spammers use. They harvest thousands of names and email addresses, and they simply fill their orders with these. Most of the sites you will find searching on Yahoo and Google are of this variety.

There are some ways to utilize this marketing method and advertise your MLM Internet business opportunity with it. One good way is to find Paid To Read sites that have a member base that gets paid for visiting sponsors’ sites, reading emails, and sometimes, signing up for programs! This guarantees you that you will get real people, who are generally familiar with MLM Internet business opportunity programs to sign up for your program. Personally, I have had some success with this, but I have had far greater responses from other websites who sell Guaranteed Signups.

Among all the scams in this industry, there are some honest businesses that provide real Guaranteed Signups to your MLM Internet business opportunity. These sites are well established and generate these signups through splash pages and targeted advertising, rather than incentive. The best website I have come across is Apache Leads. I recommend them to all my website readers at and all of my mailing list. You can visit their website at Apache Leads and browse through their services. They not only sell Guaranteed Signups, but they also sell numerous other services to advertise your MLM Internet business opportunity. Among these, is a new form of Guaranteed Signups, called Guaranteed Paid Signups, or Guaranteed Signups with Paid Upgrades. They sell large orders of these signups, with which they will guarantee a certain number of paid upgrades in your downline! This is tremendous for jumpstarting your MLM Internet business opportunity. It does require a bit of a hefty investment, but has proven to be well worth it!

The bottom line is this: Guaranteed Signups can be a great way to market your MLM Internet business opportunity. But watch out. There are too many scams out there with this industry. Only buy them from reputable sites like Apache Leads and sites that are incentive based. Be careful and good luck with your MLM Internet business opportunities!

Choosing Mlm Software For Your Needs

As with any industry that involves millions of people, multi-level marketing has seen the rise of software developers who target the many people involved in MLM. With the large number of options in MLM software out there already, how do you choose the one that is right for your needs? It's important to not only find the software that best fits your needs, but the right software company as well.

Pick a reputable vendor who will last

As in any money-making industry, ther...

As with any industry that involves millions of people, multi-level marketing has seen the rise of software developers who target the many people involved in MLM. With the large number of options in MLM software out there already, how do you choose the one that is right for your needs? It's important to not only find the software that best fits your needs, but the right software company as well.

Pick a reputable vendor who will last

As in any money-making industry, there are many fly-by-night software companies that make many claims of experience, know how and impressive MLM software features. Unless you are willing to put your business at risk, choose a vendor with a solid reputation. Reputations are built over many years of working with customers, not just selling a software package a few times. While a fresh upstart may not actually be disreputable, the unproven stability of that company could pose a risk to yours.

Check out at least five references, preferably ones found through an independent source. Remember that vendors will be eager to provide only those references sure to provide a glowing review. You might be unpleasantly surprised if you do not contact companies not included in the reference list.

Inspect the MLM software company's physical office

Your decision should be based on both the MLM software and the vendor's support services. If the vendor is not able to provide acceptable support services, what will you do if the software stops working properly, or you need it tailored to the changing needs of your business? Do they support it well?

Sadly, the only constant among all MLM companies is that they constantly change. Your MLM software must be able to change with it.

When you're at the vendor's office, meet the vendor's people that will be in charge of your needs. Find out what kind of people they are and how long they have worked for the vendor. Be willing to pay for experience and competence, as this ends up costing far less in the long run.

Small MLM software companies are bigger risks

Smaller software companies, to compete with larger established firms, must offer software at bargain prices. While these low prices may be tempting, this practice often puts them on shaky financial ground during their most critical years.

Companies that are trying to save money by purchasing MLM software from these small software houses sometimes find themselves quickly abandoned when they need assistance. Servicing the needs of one highly successful client can consume virtually all of the resources of a small software company, leaving their other clients stranded out in the cold.

The problem that gives greatest cause for concern is that smaller companies tend to quickly go out of business without warning. The smart money says to stay away from the small vendors and stick to those with staying power and track records.

Buy an MLM software package with some built-in versatility

Many packages are limited to only with those reports they include with the program. Managers must often resort to running large reports to answer small questions or concerns when only a small exception report, called up on demand, is actually desired. Small exception reports can be reviewed quickly and accurately, making the versatility to create your own reports within the program structure absolutely vital.

Weigh the software's features

MLM software is typically designed to handle the specific business issues associated with MLM businesses. Often it has a great deal of difficulty dealing with matters outside the original design. Software cannot be forced to do things it was never designed to do without yielding sub-par results.

The wise computer software buyer compares features and capabilities, side by side, of one package to another. Ask the vendor which features they consider to be unique to their package compared to others. Carefully weigh which features are necessary or helpful to your business, and which are merely "eye candy" that serves to make the software look more impressive and thereby justify a higher price.

You are not just buying a computer software package; you are buying expertise, emergency support services, programming services, and starting a long-term business relationship. There is no substitute for careful prior planning.

Consider everything meticulously before choosing your MLM software vendor. Avoid the temptation to penny pinch. Doing so may harm your chances for success.

Before Having Success In It Shouldn’t You Know What Mlm Is?

Before jumping into the wonderful world of network marketing, don’t you think you should know a little bit about MLM? If you have plans of succeeding in this business without growing and evolving off of MLM you had better think again. Network marketing entails you to learn as you go along and pick up pieces as you go along for the ride. So what exactly is MLM?

MLM is a channel of distribution for goods and services. Through this channel can be a franchise opportunity with ...

Before jumping into the wonderful world of network marketing, don’t you think you should know a little bit about MLM? If you have plans of succeeding in this business without growing and evolving off of MLM you had better think again. Network marketing entails you to learn as you go along and pick up pieces as you go along for the ride. So what exactly is MLM?

MLM is a channel of distribution for goods and services. Through this channel can be a franchise opportunity with the ability of you building a rep group. Once you join a network marketing company you can begin building a rep group to help you become rich. Before you can build a group to do all the work for you though, you have to be able to train them.

Network marketing is about personal development and growth. If you can learn to develop others’ attitudes and skills along the way, you will have a downline that can help you become rich. Before you can train them you have to be toned yourself. What this means is that you have to bring to the table an attitude and habits capable of adjusting and growing upon arrival to MLM.

Network marketing is far from easy and whoever told you it was is out of their mind. It takes a great deal of effort, physically and mentally to get anywhere in this business. That is why so many fail before they even have a chance to get into network marketing. The key to MLM is communicating with people.

As soon as you develop the skills to talk with people and build relationships, you will have the secret weapon to network marketing. You must bring to the table adequate communication skills, good habits, a positive attitude, and the willingness to adjust according to the business.

There is not one successful MLM person that came into the business with all the skills needed. Every single network marketing millionaire grew to the level needed to get to where they are. How you can do this is through hard work, constant studying, and experience in the field.

To get into network marketing you have to be eager to learn and have an attitude willing to succeed. The rest you will pick up with trial and error and experience in the field. The longer you are in the business the more you will become a part of the wonderful world of MLM.

Avoiding Mlm Scams While Looking For A Home Based Business

Choosing a Home Based Business can mean wading through pools of scam artists and get rich quick schemes. Many people try to make their living by deceiving others. They present an attractive package, a catchy headline and details that seem too good to be true.

Proverbs tells us that wealth gotten quickly will be squandered quickly. Old fashioned hard work and ingenuity is still your best bet to obtain financial security. If it seems too good to be true, it is. Be wary of an...

Choosing a Home Based Business can mean wading through pools of scam artists and get rich quick schemes. Many people try to make their living by deceiving others. They present an attractive package, a catchy headline and details that seem too good to be true.

Proverbs tells us that wealth gotten quickly will be squandered quickly. Old fashioned hard work and ingenuity is still your best bet to obtain financial security. If it seems too good to be true, it is. Be wary of any company that asks for money up front without personal contact, clear details or a money back guarantee.

Many business classified as multilevel marketing business can be found. They find their way into your spam email folder, your mailbox and your telephone during dinner. They base their system on being able to convince others to pay a membership fee to sign up and then go out and recruit other poor suckers to do the same. The only people who make any substantial money are those skilled enough to lie their way to the top of sucker tree. Once at the top, they collect a large portion of the membership fees from new recruits. They claim that once you climb the ladder of lies to a higher level, you can choose to sit back and reap the benefits of the labor of others. While it may be legal in most states, it definitely is not morally correct to benefit from the naivete and hard work of others.

While these businesses in essence are deceitful, they are clever in their dishonest tactics. They operate under the guise of a legitimate sales business. Sometimes the products being sold are of good quality and are worth the asking price. It is the multilevel structure of the business that is dishonest. Many recruiters will use the legitimate business of sales to justify the deceptive multilevel marketing details of their contract.

The sad truth is that most new recruits pay the membership fee, purchase a starter kit of products for sale, buy books written by other business owners in the MLM and fork out large amounts of money for supplies, training materials, seminars and travel expenses before discovering the truth about their position on the MLM food chain. By the time those duped come to their senses, the money is long gone and the “business partners” have made themselves scarce. The bottom line of the checkbook doesn’t lie.

Multilevel marketing scams are often sought after by trusting individuals with a desire to earn extra income and better themselves personally. The tragic experience of the MLM scam can turn hardworking individuals against the ides of starting a legitimate home based business.

All About Opt-In MLM Leads...

The factors behind opt in MLM leads is to be inside, where the good stuff is located.

The situation would be like this; you outside of the opt in MLM leads industry, wanting to get in. to get the inside scoop of the leads business. If you knew what actually went on in some arenas, you may think the inside scoop looks like this picture.

How are opt in MLM leads generated?

For the most part, opt in MLM leads are generated over the Internet. While there is no definite s...

The factors behind opt in MLM leads is to be inside, where the good stuff is located.

The situation would be like this; you outside of the opt in MLM leads industry, wanting to get in. to get the inside scoop of the leads business. If you knew what actually went on in some arenas, you may think the inside scoop looks like this picture.

How are opt in MLM leads generated?

For the most part, opt in MLM leads are generated over the Internet. While there is no definite study to prove this matter, it is safe to assume that 85-90% of all leads you find for sale are originated on the Internet.

There are two main reasons for this. First, the Internet is where most people are doing their research today when looking for jobs, looking for ways to make extra money, something to invest on, etc. So, why not go where the people are looking?

Second, it is the most cost effective way of generating opt in MLM leads.

Surely, a person is surfing the Internet, doing a Google search, and checking out their options for ways to make extra income. Or, sometimes the person is not even thinking about wanting more money when an online ad catches their attention and they check it out. So, they fill out a form and hit submit.

That is the basics behind online opt in MLM lead generation. Some person is out there surfing the Net. There is an online ad and a form. Filled out and submit. Then they are now a prospect waiting to be sold.

Quite a nice system. Wouldn’t we all like to receive a batch of opt in MLM leads after people had been surfing the Internet for ways of making money from home. Now you have their name, phone, and E-mail address in your hands.

But there are some variables that can make a big difference in the type of opt in MLM leads you are holding in your hands.

Incentivized opt in MLM leads.

One of the biggest problems that exists among the Internet lead generation business is the incentives that entices a person to fill out a form and submit.

If you have purchased opt in MLM leads long enough, then you have probably come across the person who did not know they were going to be contacted about a home business. Instead they thought they were going to get a new Video iPod, $10,000, or a vacation cruise.

So, what do you do? You go to an opt in MLM leads company and you buy a batch of leads.
The leads are $2.25 each, so you buy 50 of them for $112.50. There is a chance you may find a good prospect in there, one that will be targeted to the product or service that you are offering.

No opt in MLM lead is ever pure because you do not know what other sites the prospect has been to, filling out forms, and checking out other businesses.

However, if you are going to invest in opt in MLM leads, it is worth a few extra minutes of research or an email or phone call to the owners; to know what kind of leads you are purchasing.

Opt in MLM leads are all about results. So go ask and test first.

10 Ways To Generate MLM Blog Traffic

Generating MLM blog traffic depends first and foremost on what you have to say. If it is boring, lame, or focused on blatant advertising of products and services, you will get very poor results. this article discusses ten proven ways to generate MLM blog traffic.

Very good content will dominate your niche. The platform you use for your mlm blog will determine how well it dominates. And how often and consistently yo post to your blog, ping and buzz your posts and link to ot...

Generating MLM blog traffic depends first and foremost on what you have to say. If it is boring, lame, or focused on blatant advertising of products and services, you will get very poor results. this article discusses ten proven ways to generate MLM blog traffic.

Very good content will dominate your niche. The platform you use for your mlm blog will determine how well it dominates. And how often and consistently yo post to your blog, ping and buzz your posts and link to other bloggers will dictate how long you dominate.

Here are ten excellent ways new bloggers generate MLM blog traffic and find new readers.

Top Ten MLM Blog Traffic Tips

10. Write at least five major “pillar” articles. A pillar article is usually a tutorial style article aimed to teach your audience something. Generally they are at least 500 words but less than 600 and have plenty of very practical tips or advice. The more pillars you have on your MLM blog the better you will generate MLM blog traffic.

9. Write at least one new blog post per day.. Not every post has to be a pillar, but you should get those those five pillars done at the same time as you keep your blog fresh with a daily news or short article style post. it is important to demonstrate to first time visitors that your blog is updated all the time.

8. Use a proper domain name.

7. Start commenting on other blogs. Comment on blogs focused on a similar niche topic to yours since the readers there will be more likely to be interested in your blog.

6. Trackback and link to other blogs in your blog posts. A trackback is like a blog conversation. When you write a new article to your blog and it links or references another blogger’s article you can do a trackback to their entry. This leaves an abbreviated summary of your blog post on their blog entry - much like your blog telling someone else’s blog that you wrote an article mentioning them. Trackbacks often appear like comments.

A trackback leaves a link from another blog back to yours for readers to follow, It also gets the attention of another blogger.

5. Encourage comments on your own blog. Always respond to comments as well so you can keep the conversation going.

4. Submit your latest pillar article to a blog carnival. A blog carnival is a post in a blog that summarizes a collection of articles from many different blogs on a specific topic.

To find the right blog carnival for your blog, do a search at

3. Submit your blog to You have to copy and paste a couple of lines of code on to your blog . This will help you generate mlm blog traffic as you will get one to ten subscribers a day with this method.

2. Submit your articles to

1. Write more pillar articles. Without strong pillar articles you may bring in readers but they will not bother to come back. Shoot for one solid pillar article per week and by the end of the year you will have a database of over fifty strong feature articles that will work hard for you to generate mlm blog traffic and more readers

Affiliate Marketing Mlm Network: Earn More Inviting People To Join You

When the network marketing concept was first introduced in the American market in the 1940’s a lot people were able to earn considerable income while staying at home. The basic idea of network marketing is that the distributor will use the direct channel of distributing their products through entrepreneurs all over the globe who are willing to sell their products for commissions. However, since we are talking about actual products here, a member will need to consume certain p...

When the network marketing concept was first introduced in the American market in the 1940’s a lot people were able to earn considerable income while staying at home. The basic idea of network marketing is that the distributor will use the direct channel of distributing their products through entrepreneurs all over the globe who are willing to sell their products for commissions. However, since we are talking about actual products here, a member will need to consume certain products of the merchant in order for him or her to get his or her commissions. Using the product of the merchant yourself will also help you promote the product since you will now be able to personally vouch for its quality.

What is more attractive about the network marketing program is that independent retailers and distributors are give the chance to recruit members and earn commissions from the sales generated by their recruits. In other words, if you are engaged in network marketing and you invite people to join you, you can actually earn overriding commissions on whatever sales generated by your team.

In our modern times, different companies and business entrepreneurs all over the globe through the use of the Internet technology are applying the networking marketing idea through the affiliate marketing MLM network. The affiliate marketing MLM network give the member a chance create a team where he or she can earn commissions of whatever sales generated by the team members. You may recruit members online and offline.

How does one get started in an affiliate marketing MLM network program? It is really very easy to join an affiliate marketing MLM network program. There is no prior business experience needed for you to qualify as members. Once you become a member, the company will provide you the necessary trainings. In most cases, the person who recruited you and the other members of the team will help you get started so it is not really difficult to find your way around. The key here is to work closely with the team and help each other. If you are a good team player, there is a big chance for you to prosper in this type of business.

When it comes to earning potentials, the affiliate marketing MLM network program can give you limitless income potentials. The limits in the affiliate marketing MLM network program are your willingness or unwillingness to work and get your business on the road. You see, when it comes to earning money through the affiliate marketing MLM network program, the amount of effort that you will put into your business would determine the amount of income that you can derive out of it. If you work hard selling the product and recruiting new members, you can actually earn thousands of dollars in a year’s time. On the other hand, if you do not exert enough effort to get your business on the right track, you will not really earn much in this type of business.

Beginner's Guide to Network Marketing (MLM)

Network Marketing, also called MLM (multi-level marketing) can be very profitable, but don't be fooled by claims that it is easy to earn money with little effort. Read this short guide to network marketing / MLM and decide if this is the business for you.

Network Marketing, also called MLM (multi-level marketing) can be very profitable. Many companies operate in this way, for example Amway, Kleeneze and the Body Shop.

The main requirement for this business is to be good at selling. Don't despair if you're a shy wallflower as selling is a skill that can be learned, and in most network marketing companies you should be provided with plenty of training materials and help.

When you join a network marketing company there are two ways of earning money. Firstly, by selling the company's products to the customer, you would then receive a percentage of the products you sell. Secondly you can also recruit other sales agents, while continuing to sell the products yourself. You would then receive commission for every sale your agents make also.

Although this is a profitable way to earn money, don't be fooled by claims that it is easy to earn money with little effort.

It can be possible to get into a position whereby you build a large network of sellers, who provide you with an income with their efforts, but you have to put in the work and it doesn't happen overnight.

If you are good at selling and are prepared to put in the work then this could be a very good way of making money.

There are a wide range of products available to make money. Choose a company whose products you like and perhaps would buy yourself, as this will make it much easier to sell.

Also make sure there are not too many agents for the company in the area you would like to work. This would make it difficult to sell a reasonable amount.

Try to find a proactive, experienced and helpful agent when deciding on which company to join. They will be the ones providing you with the most training and advice. Some agents provide regular training sessions and online forums to help and encourage each other.

Request information from several people or companies before making a decision.

You don't need any qualifications to join. You will be trained by the company you join to sell the product you choose.

Once you have chosen the company you wish to sell for, you will need to purchase their basic kit - this can be as little as a short training guide and some catalogues, to a package of products, stationery, catalogues and training materials. You should not be required to buy the products yourself to sell on. It is common however, to be expected to pay for some samples of the products at up to £100 ($200).

It is then up to you to make contacts to sell the products. You can sell through friends and their friends, work colleagues, special events, schools (check first), holding a party, or anywhere you can leave a catalogue in their business or office.

To work in network marketing you will need energy and resilience and a tough skin to cope with the many rejections!

At the start you may only be making a small amount, but successful people with a big network can make £100,000 ($200,000).

However this is not common and the average earnings are around £5,000 ($10,000) a year.


If you are comfortable with selling and have or can make contacts you could persuade to sell to, you can make good money.

Good way of meeting people.

Flexible working hours.

Help, training and encouragement from your upline (the person that you joined the networking company through)

Ready-made business


Lot of time and effort required.

Could lose friends if you try too hard to sell products to them or try to make them become agents too.

Start up costs (although usually relatively low - less that £100 or $200)

Must be good at selling, or be willing to learn how to sell.

Are You An MLM Casualty?

Do you know anyone that you can think of that decided to build an mlm business, was excited, motivated and tried to convince you to join? Do you know anyone that was once in ONE mlm, and then another or changed 3 or 4 times?

Think of family and friends. Do you know of anyone that was once in the father of all MLM's Amway? Did they succeed? Are they still doing that today?
MLM horror stories and casualties are all over. Many start but few finish. Why is that?
Well I heard someone say something just yesterday that made sense.

"If you want to quit, ANY excuse is good enough".

In our industry, there will always be challenges and mountains to climb. How many people do you think make mega bucks running top companies in America that just got their with no effort?
You read about people in our industry making millions. Do you think they just fell there with no challenges or trials and errors? NOPE they struggled, they worked their tails off and they were the survivors.

Building an empire takes time, effort and much challenge. No one just happens to fall there. Everyone has challenges, some more than others but there are millions of mlm horror stories. There are also plenty of success stores about there as well. The difference between the successes and the failures is the successful people never quit, they get knocked down and they get back up. Many times over and over.

The successful person NEVER considers quitting or giving up. IF you want to quit, ANY excuse is good enough. Sometimes things happen and you may get upset or mad. That happens to all, the difference is the successful person faces challenges head on and sees them on blips in the radar.

It takes determination to succeed. It takes tenacity and perseverance. It is NOT easy but it is worth it. EVERYONE HAS A CHOICE to succeed or fail. Sometimes there is ONE challenge difference between a winner or a loser but a winner NEVER quits. When I started in this industry 10 years ago, I VOWED to be a success, and quitting was NEVER an option I allowed myself. I've had my share of ups and downs, and sometimes it seemed more downs than ups.

I was knocked down, stomped on used and abused but I was also too tough to stay down. I got up swinging more times than you can count. I never gave up on my dream of financial independence and making a difference. When I was hit with roadblocks, I just went around, over or thru. I started over many times, but I never gave up. Today I have several solid incomes and I'm glad I didn't become an mlm casualty.

It makes me sad to see people that let the small things blow them out of the water. It makes me sad to see so many people with so much more talent than me, become so focused on all the negatives that they can't see the forest for the trees. It's sad, but that's life.

Everyone had a choice to be an mlm casualty or a success, just by sticking it out, learning from the road blocks, and the tough times and being around to see things thru.
Hope to see all of you at the top one day.

10 Social Power Linking Tactics To Increase MLM Blog Traffic

The popularity and ranking of your blog is directly correlated to the number of sites linking to it. In-bound links to your blog tell the search engines what they will find when visiting your site. This article discusses ten Web 2.0 social power linking tactics that will help you significantly increase traffic to your MLM blog.

Web 2 marketing tactics can easily create serious MLM blog traffic. This could be anything from a few hundred visitors to several thousand visitors. You must update your blog content consistently to generate repeat visitors.

Use social bookmarking sites by setting up bookmarks and submitting stories and articles. Do not spam.

The real impact of social power linking comes when you build a bigger asset base by having our content show up in far more places than just our sites alone.

Here are ten cutting edge tactics to profit with social power linking to increase MLM blog traffic.

1. Submit articles and posts to

Install a toolbar button when you sign up and you can "Like" or "Dislike" any site or page you want. You can mark up your pages, and also vote for other sites in your niche for research purposes.

2. Submit articles and posts to Digg.

Digg is easy to use, and if your blog is on Wordpress, you can add a plug in so your readers can actually submit your articles to Digg.


This Digg-style site will also help you get traffic. It takes less than a minute to submit your articles here.

4. IM News

If you have marketing related content, make sure to submit to IM news often.

5. Develop lenses and other remote "satellite" pages with good, original keyword optimized content One key to social power linking lies in Squidoo lenses.

6. Make it easy for outside parties and social media sites to link to your content. Link baiting, track backs and always consistently posting useful and original content will draw readers. If you have a Wordpress Blog, use the Tagalize It plug in to create Technorati and IceRocket links.

7. Make bookmarking or social tagging easy. Put a "delicious this" text link at the bottom of a post, and a Digg button at the top of the article.

8. Start participating in social power linking right away. Start blogging on your own. Visit leading forums and join the discussion.

9. Users to your site that contribute noticeably to the site's content and audience should be recognized and rewarded. You will keep these valuable community members on your site, and you gain visible advocates of your site to outside members.

10. Reward inbound site links. The more inbound links your blog and site generate, the better. Create a permalink to use and cite them on your blog This simple act of acknowledgment will generate much good will and links.

Social power linking is a relatively new and yet powerful way to quickly generate inbound links and traffic to your MLM blog. Follow these essential tactics and you will see a gig increase in traffic leading to more enrollments in your business.

Are You Stuck In Your Internet MLM Business?

Many internet mlm business owners sometimes have a period where they just cannot seem to be making money and they are almost about to give up. This article looks at some common reasons why you are not making money and suggests some quick steps to remedy this problem.
Lack of signups

The first problem that any internet mlm business owner would face is the lack of signups. Most people face this problem when they first start out and spend lots of money on all kinds of promotion ideas that do not really work. I have found two types of promotion in particular that does work and they are pay per click advertising and article marketing.

Pay per click advertising simply means that you pay the Search Engines to put your listings prominently near the actual organic search results that any search engine user would see. So you get signups that are actually searching for your internet mlm business and therefore more targeted.
Article marketing is simply the best way to promote an internet mlm business online. By writing lots of articles online that reaches your target audience, you will find that the number of websites with links to your internet mlm business will rise and you get more website traffic and more people signing up for your internet mlm business.

No Followup system

Some internet mlm companies have a very aggressive anti-spam policy and this means that they do not really followup with your signups. What you do need to do and I recommend this is to find a promotion system promoting your particular business to save you time designing one. This followup system should have a built in autoresponder and sales letters designed to followup with your prospective signup online. If you are not following up with your internet mlm signups you are losing potential customers that you had through the door waiting for you to call. A followup system that is well designed will save you much time and close more sales for your internet mlm business.

Lack of compelling copy

For internet home based business ventures in particular, what is needed is not compelling copy in the normal sales process but in establishing yourself and getting your visitor to trust you. Your website or landing page should not be a rephrasing of the company referral website. It should tell your visitor about your life and how you are a normal person like your visitor is and by letting them know more about you, they will trust you more and would likely signup with you rather than another internet mlm business owner online.

In conclusion, if your internet mlm business is currently slow, spend some time looking through these three reasons and perhaps you might find out what is wrong and then be better placed to make more money from your internet home based business today.