Wednesday, January 21, 2009

From Curious To Productive In Your MLM

Have I been getting an education lately. I came to the realization that most online businesses are being pitched not really to teach how to be successful online, but to get you signed up and spending money.

When I look at other peoples' sales letters and advertisements, I try to look at them with this point of view... They are trying to sell me something, and not necessarily help become successful.

I've fallen for them too!!

Have you ever gone to a conference call or meeting for your business and then when it's over you’re totally fired up? Then you get back home and then you’re thinking... "What do I do now?"

Or how about you have followed your uplines advice to the "T" and you have no results?

Or you joined a program because it "looked" good, but you really had no idea how to effectively market that program?

I have done all of these things.

As a matter of fact Millions of people all around the world have done these things. I would imagine that if you are reading this you have done some of these things.

Here's the deal. My success was built around following a specific plan of action that someone showed me. Please understand that I didn't just listen to anyone, I worked with someone that was earning over six figures. My experience has been that typically a sponsor may have even less experience than me, and may offer me well meaning, but ineffective advice.

I wanted to learn from someone who has built an online business, where they are currently earning at least 100,000 or above. I'm not talking about my sponsor’s upline; I'm talking about my sponsor. I wouldn't join a program where my personal sponsor wasn't making at least 100,000

He told me that I had to learn how to focus on the things that would make me successful. I had to stop joining every program that came along. I had to stop trying to work with people that won't build. I had to "get serious"

That’s what I did. Having a step by step, literally click by click system, where I could call my sponsor when I had trouble was absolutely the best mentoring, and the most exciting part of my online career.

Here is what is missing from most people's businesses.

1. They are listening to someone that is not successful (well meaning and successful are two very different things!!)

2. They don't have a specific online strategy for building their business.

3. They are unwilling to commit to the fundamentals.

4. They don't know what the fundamentals are!!

5. They get stuck in some minor problem and have no one to show them the way (maybe they don't know html, or how to copy and paste, or what a URL bar is)... Don't laugh; simple problems hold people back

6. They have no one (who is successful already mentoring then WHERE THEY ARE RIGHT NOW, one on one.

As always,i would love to hear your questions, comments or concerns.

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